Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Troll with a Disney complex?

Imagine my joy %26amp; surprise to see my ';Defining Disney Moment'; post resurface, only to find out that nothing new had been added.

Also, there were four more ';Disney'; related threads that had mysteriously resurfaced.

A troll perhaps...

Or someone who wants a Disney fix...really badly!

A Troll with a Disney complex?

Now, 2 of the threads have disappeared!

Am I seeing things?

A Troll with a Disney complex?

Yeah see what you means about the reappearing threads, also the site seems to be running really slowly at the moment - frustrating!

The troll was about but has been exterminated.

Hi Cindermom,

I was surprised that l couldn%26#39;t reply to your original thread %26#39;Defining Disney Moment%26#39;, it has been such a joy to read all the responses.

Just Lovely!

We haven%26#39;t been to WDW now for a couple of years but the memories of our visits will always remain with us. And l have to add that l am so glad that l chose to have a peep into the Orlando forums again. You are such lovely people.

Our first visit was in 1991, our daughter was 11, the trip was a birthday gift to us from my parents. We flew to NYC first then on to Orlando.

We stayed at the then Buena Vista Palace. We arrived late evening. Our room was high up in the tower and my first sight of WDW was the view across to Epcot and the fireworks. My daughter and l watched from afar in awe!

Early next morning we entered the MK and yes, like so many others have said it was absolutely Magical with a capital M.

To say that were hooked was an understatement !

We returned over the years about 15 times and each time was just as wonderful as the first. We have stayed everywhere both on property and off.

Wonderful times.

My daughter is now approaching her 30th birthday ( Oh! Am l getting old or what lol!)

We still have great fun looking at the videos and photos and it is so heartening to know that WDW still works it%26#39;s Magic -- of course with a capital M.

Have Fun Everyone. xx

Thank you, Teemill!

We%26#39;re going for the first time in 18 more sleeps! I am looking forward to not only see the magic for myself, but through and with my kids!

I am glad you got to experience that!

Yes I think the troll is back, there is one about the weather that keeps coming up with only 7 posts. It is really frustrating to post things and have them pushed aside by someone who obviously has too much time on their hands

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