Wednesday, March 31, 2010


ok, so I have never been snorkling before and would really love to go when we are in key west. My fiance doesnt really want to do it and may just stay on the boat. any suggestions for a good provider for beginners? also, are the dolphin excursions worth it? TIA


Check this out...鈥?/a>

It has a section about what%26#39;s best for beginners. And I have a friend who doesn%26#39;t snorkel but who loves to get out on the water on these trips.



wow, great article, thank you!

Have your fiance buy an inexpensive mask and snorkel at your local Walmart/Kmart in Charlotte. Pack it and practice in your hotel pool, so he/she can get the hang of breathing and getting the depth perception as least partially down. Should make him/her much more comfortable.

he%26#39;s more afraid of whats IN the water, not so much his inexperience. he%26#39;s just silly, thank you tho!

Well then you just tow is a$$ into the water !! The stuff in a heck of a lot more afraid of you !!

heelgirl, as for snorkeling, go. It is awesome!!! I sent you an IM.

And yes, the dolphinexcursions are terrific. The most difficult part is choosing an operator. We really do have a number of good ones.

Just get him on the boat. He won%26#39;t be the only person not snorkeling, but be sure that he listens to all of the comments about what people saw - parrot fish, a ray, big fish, little fish, schools of fish. Yellow fish, blue fish, striped fish. Fish sleeping in the protection of a reef. He%26#39;ll start to get interested and you%26#39;ll have an excuse for going again.

Stay wet!


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