Sunday, March 28, 2010

We're leaving for Disney World TONIGHT!! =)

DH %26amp; I leave tonight for a weekend trip to Disney World! I%26#39;ve never been before and DH hasn%26#39;t been since childhood so we are stoked!

We%26#39;ll have 2 days in the parks and plan to do 2 parks a day...Animal Kingdom %26amp; Epcot on Saturday and MGM %26amp; Magic Kingdom on Sunday. We fly back early Monday morning in time for work. It%26#39;s going to be a crazy, exhausting weekend, but we are so looking forward to it!

I promise to do a trip report when we return and I plan to take TONS of pictures! =)


We're leaving for Disney World TONIGHT!! =)

Have a wonderful, if not brief, time at the Kingdom.

Yes, you will be exhausted, but your excitement will help keep you going.

Hope you can at least do some of the major attreactions in each park and that it will make you want to return again soon for an extended trip.

Where are you staying?

We're leaving for Disney World TONIGHT!! =)

woofoo, make the most of it and have a Magical Time

Have fun, and watch out for people with water pistols!!


Enjot it. have fun, and stay hydrated with all your moving about from park to park.. :)

Bon Voyage and safe trip!!

Happy Trails woofoo...wishing you a great time :-)

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