Sunday, March 28, 2010

Disney hotel travel to other disney hotels via shuttle

Hi there...I%26#39;m preety sure that disney shuttles do Not take you from hotel to it possible to take the shuttle to one of the parks...get off the bus, then head to the bus stop of a different hotel?? Do you have to show id on the bus?? Or can you just get on and head to the hotel. Example...we are staying at Pop Century...and would like to travel to the boardwalk for their evening bike tram, watch epcot fireworks, watch street performers, eat etc. I don%26#39;t know if this shuttle thing would work or not...does anyone think it could be done?? If not, is there parking near any of the hotels to enjoy the boardwalk?? Anyone know where and how much. I know the hotels attached to it are swan and dolphin, Boardwalk, Yauht and beach club. Or could we maybe park at epcot, and walk in from there. We were there last year and really enjoyed it...but we were staying at the swan, so that made things easier.

Disney hotel travel to other disney hotels via shuttle

While staying on Disney Property you can use all forms of Transportation as often as you%26#39;d like, to any where they go.

Taking the bus to Epcot is a great way to get to the Boardwalk. You can then take a boat from epcot or take a short walk over.

Disney hotel travel to other disney hotels via shuttle

The buses don%26#39;t go from hotel to hotel, but you can take the bus to a park (or Downtown Disney) and switch to a bus to that hotel. You can also take your car to any Disney resort to eat - they%26#39;ll give you a parking pass good for 2 or 3 hours. If you have a car, that%26#39;s your best bet for visiting the Boardwalk. (A taxi is also an option for people without cars - usually no more than $8-$15 to get anywhere.)

If you were going to the Boardwalk by bus, I would go to MGM, and just walk or take the boat over. It%26#39;s a shorter walk from MGM to the Boardwalk than it is from the front entrance of Epcot.

Agreed-take the bus to MGM and walk from there. the disney buses do not go from hotel to hotel-the resort monorail does stop at the MK and all the monorail hotels. You don%26#39;t have to show ID on the bus. If you are going to eat at the the Boardwalk,just drive there and tell the guard and you will get a 3 hour pass to park there for free.

Thank you sooo much for the info...we%26#39;ll go to MGM and walk from the Boardwalk, instead of taking the car. We may get distracted, and go over our 3 hour limit. However, we could do that for one of the other you need to show the parking attendant your dinner receipt to get the free pass?? What if it%26#39;s just from their food court, and not a sit down dinner?? I really appreciate all of the advise!!

This is true for any of the Disney resorts - you can park there for any meal. They don%26#39;t ask to see a receipt - you just tell the person at the gate why you are there, and they give you a timed pass.

Oops - one exception. I think the Swan and Dolphin charge for parking.

Sometimes if you are lucky the disney hotels valets have access to a van to take you over to another disney hotel. I think this goes more for the moderate or deluxe hotels though. On our last vacation we had a valet drive us from Old key west to the Polynesian and also from Old key west to Downtown disney. It depends if it is busy or not at the valet stand but it will save you time and never hurts to ask. You should tip them.

You don%26#39;t need to show a dinner receipt to park for free at the Boardwalk-and even if you just grab a slice of pizza at Spoodles,that counts as dining and your free parking. But if you don%26#39;t want to think about the time at all,just walk from MGM,it%26#39;s very pleasant and you can also take the boat.Swawn and Dolphin definitely charge for parking-even for guests!

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