Sunday, March 28, 2010

water for baby formula

Can anyone who has travelled to Orlando with a baby tell me if its safe to use their drinking water (boiled of course) to make up baby feeds or will I need to buy bottled water? We are staying in a villa but I dont know until we get there whether the water supply is filtered or not.

water for baby formula

The public drinking water is safe for use and you don%26#39;t ';have'; to purchase bottled water.

The only problem with the public water in Florida is that it has a heavy ';mineral'; taste to it, which is probably stronger than what you are used to. However, getting the water extra cold usually takes most of the ';funny taste'; away.

Mixing the public water into baby formula would not be a problem at all, unless your child cannot have water containing floride.

water for baby formula

Not a lot of people know this, but bottled water is essentially unregulated, meaning it%26#39;s not tested for contaminants, etc. I think it%26#39;s only sterized for bacteria. I wouldn%26#39;t use it for a baby. Maybe go with ready-made just for the trip?

Thanks for your replies. My daughter is on a hypo allergenic formula that I can%26#39;t get ready made so I will have to use either boiled tap water or bottled water to make up the bottles.

We just boiled it in the microwave when we were there in January. It worked without any stomach upset to my daughter.

Im a paediactric nurse and strongly advise you not to use bottled water if your daughter is sensitive ie hypoallerginic milk. Boil local water as it is safer (as mentioned in previous post bottled water is not regulated like tap water)

Also may be worth asking your dr/pharmacist about ready made - on our ward nearly ever type, not matter how specialised, comes in some premade form.

Have a fab trip


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