Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cases of water delivered to your hotel room

With water and and everything else being so expensive in the Parks I had heard that there were services where you could order cases of water and have it delivered to your hotel room before you even get there..

Does anyone know the name of the service???

Cases of water delivered to your hotel room

I did use this service (unlike the wagon one) and it worked out great. You could order all kinds of groceries, including beverages (water, milk if you have a refrig.), to be delivered to you hotel. Even though you%26#39;re staying at an on-site hotel, it still is good to have snacks to eat and drinks in the room (esp. with kids). Also, we brought water and snacks to the parks to hold us over until meal times. This service saves you a trip to the grocery store and the prices weren%26#39;t too bad either.

Cases of water delivered to your hotel room

I should just go directly to you. You are full of information.

I have been to the parks 9 times. But, again.. always with my family or friends never with my own child. So, I want to make sure that I have as many comforts of home as possible, As he will only be 2 years 3 months when we leave.

Because I have had the experience of spending $50 on just a days worth of water.. I know I needed to do something else. So.. this is GREAT!

We do have a refrig in our room...

Thank you and I completely understand where you%26#39;re coming from. Last year was my first time as an adult (where I needed to plan everything), let alone with 3 children. Luckily, my sister has been going every other year for about 20 years now, so she was able to help me with everything.

The best advice with little ones is probably to plan everything that you can, but remember that not everything will go as planned. So just relax and go with it.

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