Sunday, March 28, 2010

where to rent a wagon for young children

My family and I are going to Disney in April. I have a 2 year old and am bringing his stroller. My sister in law has a 6 year old and a 4 year old. She thinks that even if her kids are tired they are not going to want to sit in a stroller but if she had a wagon they would be more easily convinced. Does anyone know where to rent wagons?

Any and all information would be great!

where to rent a wagon for young children

I%26#39;ve never used any of these services, but if you google children equipment rental orlando, a ton of sites appear. Because Orlando is the premier family destination, you could rent just about anything from high chairs to supersauces, and even wagons. I just looked at one site quickly and a weekly wagon rate was $45. I%26#39;m pretty sure most services deliver to you hotel.

where to rent a wagon for young children

that is awesome info.. thank you so much. We are in crazy planning mode even though we are not going for overf 6 months. This is the first time for all of us with kids and want to be prepared as much as possible..

I am replying to my own post. After getting good info from Philly I found a bunch of websites. I looked at the first 2 and neither offered wagons. The third one did and then right at the bottom (Disney Theme Parks Do not allow Wagons).. So.. I guess that is out! Thanks for the info though..

That%26#39;s a shame. I suppose you could rent the ones Disney offers. They really don%26#39;t look like strollers. We didn%26#39;t use them, but it looked like the kids were just sitting on bench-like things, enclosed with plastic on the top. I don%26#39;t think they were strapped in, so maybe your little ones won%26#39;t mind. I wish I had someone to push me in one of those!

Yes, that%26#39;s correct.

The Disney parks do not allow wagons to be used in the parks. Someone recently posted a topic about a modified stroller that is similar to a wagon, but I can%26#39;t find it.

I think I remember it was Fisher-Price so looked it up. Might have been this ';utility vehicle';.鈥?/a>

You can hire strollers from the parks, but this can get costly if you do it every day, plus if you have a sleeping child you have to take them out at the gate and then get them to parking lot!

I would imagine the 4 year old will almost definately need a stroller, and on long days the 6 year old will be glad of somewhere to crash every now and then - if your sister in law is still unsure then she could always buy from Walmart when you get to Orlando.

Rent the stroller , the kids might not want to sit init right away but after awile when they get tired they will definately use it .

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