Sunday, March 28, 2010

beachfront hotel


So i just booked our tickets to vacation in clearwater in november! We are flying in to tampa and i am wanting to stay directly on the beach, not the bay. As I am looking at hotels, I was wondering your thoughts.... does it matter if we stay on clearwater, north reddington, st. petersburg beach? which is the best for the price? can you tell a difference in clearwater beach or st. petersburg? are all these beaches walking distancesf rom eachother? i am just trying to figure out a fun place to stay directly on the beach...any thoughts?

thanks sooooooo much!!!

beachfront hotel

The main difference between Clearwater and St. Pete I think is that Clearwater Beach is a smaller area of beach, so it is a little more crowded (not too crowded). And more active. There will be folks playing frisbee, volleyball, catch etc. A somewhat younger crowd sometimes. Alot of the restaurants/bars/shops are all in the same area so alot can be accessed by walking. The Hilton is directly on the beach, right in the middle of all activity in Clearwater Beach, Great location!

St. Pete/Treasure Island/Mediera Beach/Reddington/Indian Rocks on the other hand, is a very long stretch of beach/shoreline. You *could* walk between them, as they are basically one long stretch of beach, but to walk from Clearwater to St. Pete would take a VERY long time, no one does this, everyone will drive, or take the beach trolley. People tend to hang out near their hotel, so one area doesn%26#39;t really get that crowded, except maybe near the larger hotels or parking areas. The restaurants/bars/shops are all along the coast here so a short drive or trolley ride may be needed to get to some.

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