Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Relocating to Miami, where to rent?

Hi, everyone,

I am a new grad currently living in Midwest, just got a job offer in the south end of Coral Gables. I am looking for nice and safe areas to rent a decent apartment/condo, my budget is $1000-12000 for a 1/1 unit with W/D, prefer something real close to work so the commute will be minim(10 min for public transportation and 20 min for driving on a worst day). I will not have a car for at least for the first 3 month or so. I am more of a surburb person, not into night life and clubs.

My 3 days apartment hunting trip will be targeting around the south miami area and coral gable area. Knowing that coral gable is upscale and expensive, I don%26#39;t have to stay in the area, if I can save a bit on rent, it would help my budget.

1) Is 34th and coral way a good area to rent? Given my preferences, can people in the area reconmmond some good places to look? Street address would be very helpful.

2)Is renting in south miami cost less than coral gables? Can you live in Miami without a car? Is riding bus or metrorail dangous?

Thanks for your suggestions.

Relocating to Miami, where to rent?

happister, this site is geared to travel related topics. You may want try posting the exact same question on this forum in the Miami section for more help on this topic.

Good Luck

Relocating to Miami, where to rent?

34th Ave %26amp; Coral way is a good area

South Miami could be cheaper than the Gables

Miami w/o a car would be difficult

Bus and Metrorail are not dangerous, but very time consuming

You should come, look at the area where your new job is, ask the people there for help, walk that neighborhood. If it is near 34 Ave %26amp; Coral way you may find a place that you can walk to from work. That is a residential neighborhood.

All parts of the Gables are not upscale, although many are very upscale.

Practice your spanish, Miami is like a Latin American country.

Hello happistar,

Check the areas %26amp; decide where you want to be. It%26#39;s the right time to rent because the real estate market is slow %26amp; many property owners that can%26#39;t sell are willing to rent. Negotiate the prices. Let me know if you have any questions. Miami is a great city but it has gotten expensive!

Good Luck.

Try some of the apartment/condos around Dadeland and Datran near the Metrorail station. The area there is overbuilt, and some people who bought units during the housing boom, as investments, are finding themselves renting them out in hopes that the market goes up in the future. You will find yourself located near loads of shopping, public transportation, and the U of M.

I encourage you to search the Miami Herald on line classifieds to scout out some possible locations before you go to Miami. Dadeland is the farthest south that the Metrorail travels. I find it to be fairly safe. There are quite a few rentals near the South Miami metrorail station. I don%26#39;t know anything about that area though. I can tell you that driving in Miami is h3ll.

Good luck!!

Best thing is to make a trip to Miami before you move so you can check out the neighborhood in person. Rent a car for a few days and just drive around the neighborhood and find apartments...

This is a big step in your life and you want to be sure to live in the best area as possible!

Wish you good luck in your new career

i highly recommend checking out miami%26#39;s craigslist. Coral Gables is generally safe, but nothing in miami is walkable, you will need a car ASAP. Downtown there are alot of nice new lofts available for rent now. there is a place called Coral Sea View, llok it up on Craigslist, they are nic apartments in the coral gables area. Also try Douglas Grande apartments. that complex has a Pubix supermarket right beneath it.

As for south miami be careful, it can go from high end to semi ghetto between US-1. and 57th ave near the UM area. And I would avoid Coconut Grove.

get a car! i cannot stress that enough! the metro and bus are not really dangerous its just not that great here. Coral Gables has a new trolley system, but i know it has its limitations.

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