Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tips for coping with heat at Disney?

We will be in Disney next weekend for the Labor Day holiday. Myself, fiance and his 8 %26amp; 12 yr old nieces.

I hope to go to the parks early in the am, back to the hotel for afternoons and back to parks after 4pm. We will be going to the MK Pirate/Princess party Friday evening, which will be nice to visit after direct sun hours.

What tips do some of you Disney veterans have for coping with the heat while waiting in lines?


Tips for coping with heat at Disney?

Buy a little personal fan. They sell them at the parks but the have foam blades which don%26#39;t work well and cost too much. But you can buy better ones at places like wal-mart even CVS sells them and they have plastic blades which put off more air.

I take my tiger one every time I go and even though the air is warm it still feels good.

Tips for coping with heat at Disney?

Being a guy, I can take my T-shirt off rinse it in the sink or fountain and put it back on. Cools you right off.

drink lots of water

you can get free ice water from the snacks places all over the park

I think I%26#39;m going to check out CVS and Target to see what options they have in little fans and spritz bottles. Those are great ideas.

My fiance is the only male, so putting our shirts under the faucet probably won%26#39;%26#39;t be an option; buy hey.. if I%26#39;m hot enough I just may be driven to try that out!

I didn%26#39;t know you could get water for free. Good to know!

Any more ideas? I made noon reservations for dining; to make sure we can get in air conditioning and relax during lunches.

Hoping we can easily rotate between outside and inside(air conditioned buildings) activities at AK, MGM and Epcot.

If you%26#39;re not trying to force an all day march, you%26#39;ll be fine. The best advice is to wear hats, drink and carry as little as possible. It will be very managable for you folks without the fans and spritz bottles if you do as you have planned. If someone should get uncomfortable--head to the hotel a little early.

We went last July and it was about 95 degrees every day. As it turned out, it was just as hot in Philly that week. Fans/spritzers and drinking a lot of water are a given. We also went to restaurants for lunch for extra AC time. Also, don%26#39;t worry about what you look like (hair pulled up, little/no makeup, lightweight tee-shirts, etc.) Everyone is a mess by the end of the day anyway, and it%26#39;s much more comfortable this way.

If you have any flexibility with your schedule, check the weather forecast and go to a water park on the hottest day and Animal Kingdom on the coolest. I don%26#39;t know why, but Animal Kingdom was by far the most oppressive. Universal and IOA were better than Disney in that they both had misting machines along walkways throughout the parks.

I agree with IlikePhilly -- go to Animal Kingdom on the coolest day. Make sure you go to Kilimanjaro Safari early as the animals are more active. Animal Kingdom does get rather hot, I guess because of the density of the trees, there is no breeze at all.

I suggest you take one lightweight backpack for the whole family to use. Take turns carrying it. We carry collapsible water bottles and fill these up before standing in a long ride line. We also like to have one of those portable fans someone suggested. We like the ones that you can add ice water to. One of these is enough - again, take turns.

One thing we like about Disney is that many of the rides line up under a roof.

Also, take some fun treat to enjoy for when the heat is getting to everyone and moods are starting to fade. My family loves Tootsie Roll Pops. A great way to pass the time in line. Even my husband likes this


You have the right idea about going to the parks in the a.m. A mid afternoon swim at your hotel is a great idea. We usually eat an early supper and then return to the parks which are less crowded at that time.

I always freeze a bottle or 2 of water and bring it with me, wraped in a handtowel. Keeps cold most of the day as it thaws and gices you cold h2o to drink while walking/queing. And the cool damp towel to wipe your brow/hands etc.

Of cpurse you can only do this if you have access to a freezer like in your condo/villa but it%26#39;s great. Used to do it for traveling on aircraft too until last summer. Still do it for long car journeys.

Take your time, relax and drink plenty.

I like the idea of going back to your resort in the hottest part of the day, albeit you%26#39;ll miss some parades that way.

The personal fans and the drinking plenty of water are also great tips.

Concentrate most of your time in the parks for early morning and the evening hours.

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