Saturday, March 27, 2010

Keep telling myself I will be there tomorrow!

Hey guys!

Tomorrow evening I will be walking on the beach! It seems like I have been waiting for this trip for forever. It is hard to believe that we leave in the morning(6:00 a.m. to be exact). I am wishing now that I took today off because there are so many things left to do. Yikes!!!! I%26#39;ve got my husband running all over creation today doing all of the last minute things that HAVE to be done before we can leave. I wanted to thank all of you posters on TA. I have been reading all of the great information for months, and I feel like I am the most prepaired a person can be for vacation. Wisper a prayer for our safe trip! I promise to have a full trip report posted the day after labor day!

Keep telling myself I will be there tomorrow!

Safe travels Misty and have a great week at the beach. I don%26#39;t get down there til the end of December and it%26#39;s just about to kill me!

Keep telling myself I will be there tomorrow!

We leave out at 6am too!

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