Saturday, March 27, 2010

Disney World In November

We have a Disney vacation planned over Thanksgiving. What is the weather like that time of year?


Disney World In November

Weather at Thanksgiving can really vary. Last year, it snowed near Orlando on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.

Typically, if you look at the averages, it%26#39;s usually warm but not hot and mornings and evenings can be cool, since the humidity drops that time of year. Might have an occasional rainy day, but it%26#39;s not really the rainy season for the area.

Bring clothes you can layer and shed, and also some rain ponchos if you happen to find that rare rainy day. A moderate coat would not be out of line, but neither would shorts and t-shirts.

Disney World In November

We went in November 2 years ago and it was so nice. We live in south Georgia so we kind of knew what weather to expect. I took mainly capris and tees with a light weather-proof jacket. I ended up taking the jacket off for most of the day.

One year, we went in June and that was miserable so now we go in the fall or early spring. Lot less crowded too. However, this last June, we went to Discovery Cove which is much more fun in the summer. Next, we want to try Disney for Halloween.

Thanks for your replys. It sounds like the perfect time of year to go. I can%26#39;t wait!!

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