Saturday, March 27, 2010

Counting the days.....

September 23 cannot get here quick enough! My future husband and I will be honeymooning at SSR. Thanks to anyone who has responded to my questions previously.

As time goes by more questions keep popping up. Can anyone recommend a good pizza place or anywhere with really good take out, just simple stuff like burgers and fries? Driving will not be a problem as we will have a car and are used to driving 30+ minutes to eat at home. We will more than likely be dining out for the most part (can%26#39;t wait to try the suggestions from you guys!) but maybe a night or two we may want to just relax at the resort with some take out and adult beverages. :)

Any suggestions???


Counting the days.....

Can%26#39;t recommend on a restaurant there but I just wanted to wish you a fun filled trip! Congratulations on your wedding.

Counting the days.....

There is wine at the Captiva Village Store on the corner of Captiva Drive and Andy Rosse Lane where the restaurants are. Most restaurants will do take out. See to look at menus.

In the village:

Sanibel Seafood Cafe - Expensive, but can%26#39;t comment as I haven%26#39;t eaten there.

RC Otter%26#39;s - burger type places and drinks.

Key Lime Bistro - has some erratic service and food, but often better than good

Latte Da - take out and coffee

The above are all owned by the same person and cooks change.

Mucky Duck at the foot of Andy Rosse on the beach is ok for lunch, but dinner has been slipping.

Bubble Room - good desserts but so-so food.

Green Flash - on the bay at the edge of the village. Good food and pretty reliable.

Old Captiva House - at Tween Waters Inn and really good with Gulf views. Crow%26#39;s Nest bar has NASCRAB races on Mondays and Thursdays. Great fun!

Down at Blind Pass [about 4-5 miles from the entrance to SSR] are two really good places, Sunset Grill and Mad Hatter. Both beach view. Reservations at Mad Hatter and my gourmet choice, but not dressy.

Also at this location is a bar place, Lazy Flamingo with good good self serve bar food and salads.

One of the more reliable places for me is Doc Ford%26#39;s on Sanibel, about 14 miles from SSR entrance on the corner of San-Cap Rd and Rabbit Rd. Popular, good drinks very good carrot cake and love their fish tacos. Good food.

The food at SSR is expensive and not exactly memorable.

I am an admitted pizza snob so there is nowhere I%26#39;ve found with good pizza, though many disagree with me. There is a pizza place on SSR and they haven%26#39;t gotten much n the way of positive comments. On Sanibel, Johnnny%26#39;s is probably the best of a bad lot.

Thanks so much for the detailed relpy!

We%26#39;ll steer clear of the pizza situation! We%26#39;re admitted snobs too. :)

I guess it comes from spending summers up north....but that%26#39;s a whole different post!

I live in the heart of Soprano Country in the northeast and eat Italian a LOT so I%26#39;m a hard sell on Italian food. We nearly came to blows on Sanibel forum on the pizza subject when I declared Island Pizza terrible. heheheheheheheh Much of what people call %26#39;great Italian%26#39; is typical of the mid-west where the sauce is quite sweet. I%26#39;m cringing here just thinking of a few experiences I%26#39;ve had with sweet tomato sauce.

There is a good place worth a stop - though I only had their deli meats and artisanal cheeses, bread [best bread I%26#39;ve found on the islands is the Roasted Garlic bread] and desserts [ok, but not great] is Andrea%26#39;s on Periwinkle Place between Pine Ridge Rd and Tarpon Bay Rd, about 30 minutes from SSR entrance. They also have wine. There is a liquor shop across the street [The Grog Shop] in Bailey%26#39;s Center. The guys there know their stuff.

I URGE you to reconsider. My family and I just got back from this resort. The grounds are lovely but the SERVICE IS THE WORST in the world and it is very expensive.

1. The first night we got there we discovered that the room was missing the microwave. we called down to get one and was told they would send one up. 3 hours later with no microwave I called the operator again and was told she would call housekeeping - she got back on the phone and said they were out of them.

2. Going to the pool later that day proved to be a joke. the pool is lovely but we had to wait TEN minutes hoping for an attendent to give us towels. when nobody showed up I walked behind the counter and got them myself. THEN we determined the reason why - the attendent was walking around the pool with an IPOD and headphones on. WHAT IF a person had an accident, or had been drowning??? I had to tap her on the shoulders to get her attention.

3. The food is TERRIBLE, when you can get it, and so overpriced it cost myself and 3 children - each with childrens meals- 75.00 to eat.

4. We went to Scoops cafe in the hopes of getting a pizza one night at 8:30 only to be told they weren%26#39;t serving pizza. WHAT? It%26#39;s a pizza PARLOUR!! NO reason, no explanation as to why although they%26#39;re supposed to serve pizza until 12:30am. I had to drive my kids off site to feed them.

5. when I called down for a manager to relay my concerns i was ';promised'; and manager would get back to me. Nobody did. We ended up checking out a day early and they still wanted to charge me for the night we didn%26#39;t stay! I told the attendent how bad the service was and left my phone number for the manager to contact me. They never did.

6. 3 weeks later when I rec%26#39;d my VISA bill I noticed the extra night%26#39;s charge had still not been credited. I called the resort and explained to the person what had happened. The finance person was very sympathetic and seemed to know how bad his hotel service was. He said he would take my concerns to Mgmt and somebody would call me. guess what? THEY DON%26#39;T CARE! IT IS VERY CLEAR THE RESORT MANAGEMENT COULD CARE LESS ABOUT IT%26#39;S SERVICE. Almost all the employees are either Jamaican or from some other country and have NO CLUE what service should be. CHANGE YOUR STAY!

YOU WILL NOT BE HAPPY STAYING THERE I can promise you! Find another hotel.

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