Thursday, April 1, 2010

Snorkeling @ Pennekamp vs Dry Tortugas

Which would be better for first time snorkelers - stoping on the way down to Key West @ Camp Pennekamp for one night to snorkel or taking a day trip to the Dry Tortugas? Will the water still be warm - we%26#39;ll be arriving the 2nd weekend in November?

Snorkeling @ Pennekamp vs Dry Tortugas

Your post brings to light a couple of things:

1) Either spot will be good. The water in the keys will be WAY warmer than any lake or river you have in Ohio. I would still suggest a shorty.

2) You%26#39;ve NEVER snorkled? Are you planning to go to the Dry Tortugas just to snorkel? The trip to Fort Jefferson is an all day deal. Do you want to invest a whole day into something that you may or may not like?

Only you can answer these questions and make the decision.

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