Saturday, April 3, 2010

Do men leave the packing to women?

I believe this is so. I am not trusted to pack even something as insignificant as a pair of undercrackers.

I would hazard a guess this is true for 99% of the male population. Why is this so? Why do women not trust men to pack? Mind you, I do hate packing.

Do men leave the packing to women?

Because they think we%26#39;re stupid.

Do men leave the packing to women?

My husband puts it in the case.

And i take it out he puts to much in and never wears half of it.

And they say a woman packs to much.

On the contrary, my husband has always packed his own clothes, and I love it. Of course, he travels a great deal for work, so he has the system down pat.

Hi Chinners

From personal experience only, men are fine to pack their own clothes and undies but entirely useless at packing other necessities - ie toiletries, cameras, mobile phone, thing to amuse the kids, plug adaptors.

In our house we always have the joy of my husband moaning that he can pack in five minutes whilst I take all morning to pack just my stuff and the kids - he seems to be in blissful ignorance that packing involves anything more than lobbing a few clothes into a case!


Well if this is the case i must be a female in a million as i am not trusted to pack anything not even the weekly grocery shop !!!! lol

I was blessed with a most disorganised nature i would rather sit with a bacardi and coke and watch him do it all anyway! and what%26#39;s best of all i don%26#39;t have to carry anything either!!!!!!

I actually have a sneaking suspicion that women, for some strange unfathonable reason, enjoy packing more than even chocolate or shoes.

Husband packs his electronic stuff (hand baggage) and gets his toiletries together, I pack everything else (i.e. all his clothes and shoes).

I just don%26#39;t trust him to get it right. He is bound to:

- forget something (like a good pair of shoes, his cap),

- pack too little (i.e. ';what do you mean two pairs of underpants isn%26#39;t enough for a two week holiday?';), or

- pack the wrong things (i.e. horrible t-shirts that I don%26#39;t like or things that don%26#39;t co-ordinate into outfits...)

If I pack all of his clothes, shoes, underwear for him... I know that he wont have any ';wardrobe disasters';.

Doesn%26#39;t mean that all men are the same, but (if I am travelling with him and, therefore, what he is dressed like reflects on me) mine needs sorting out...


Hate to buck the trend but I am absolutely hopeless at packing - my husband is far better than me at getting everything into the case. I simply make a big pile of clothes and leave it up to him!

The only problem I have is when I am travelling without him (for work) - the last time I had to go to the local mall on the last day and buy another bag as I couldn%26#39;t get my case closed!!

Oh and the other thing is, if husband packed his own clothes, they would probably get to our destination all creased and scrunched up...


Everybody%26#39;s different I guess.

Example 1, my dad does all the packing, my mum tells him what she%26#39;d like to take and he does the rest.

Example 2, my husband tells me what he%26#39;d like to pack, I pack it, I pack everything else I know he%26#39;ll need, then on the plane he says ';damn it I didn%26#39;t pack my (whatever)'; to be told ';good job that I packed it then!';

Although Trish may see that my hubby doesn%26#39;t really have a choice... the organisational freak that I am ;)

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