Saturday, April 3, 2010

Final part of Trip Report.

OK here goes, the last part of my TR.

Well we left Tarpon Springs behind along with the massive downpour that had started. We drove down to Clearwater Beach with plans to stay there for the night. We parked up and went for a walk on the beach. I wasn%26#39;t too impressed by the cleanliness of the beach as there did seem to be a bit of rubbish about. There were plenty of shells on the beach. My youngest son had a great time collecting the shells and sand dollars.

Had a short walk around Clearwater, I say short as it started raining again. By this time we had decided to drive further down the coast and look for somewhere else to stay. I can%26#39;t say I was overly impressed by Clearwater, there was a lot of construction work going on and the place just seemed a bit dirty and miserable. I don%26#39;t know if this was down to the appaling weather we were having, which lasted two full days on and off (more on than off). All the (very friendly) Americans we spoke to kept asking us if we were being reminded of home with all the bad weather.

We drove down the Gulf Boulevard road which took us through various places such as, Bellair Beach, Indian Rocks Beach, Reddington Beach, and other places. All these places looked worthy of an overnight stay. Very uncommercialised and clean looking, with some gorgeous beachfront houses, one of which I will buy one day (I wish).

All through this journey it poured down, it finally stopped as we arrived at ST Pete. We pulled into a Tradewinds hotel and nearly fell over laughing when they told us they wanted $270 per room for the night. Eventually after some negotiating it dropped to $200 per room. We went to look at the rooms, why I don%26#39;t know as we had no intention of stopping there at that price. Well the rooms had a sea view but apart from that were not much better than the QIP where we were staying on I Drive. Don%26#39;t get me wrong there was five pools and the hotel was beautifully laid out, but not worth that price.

We found out later that the prices were so high due to a kids beauty pageant that was being held at the hotel.

We pulled into the car park at The Alden Beach Resort next door and got two suites for $100 per suite, from very helpful and friendly staff. Gorgeous rooms, two big TV%26#39;s, big fridge with freezer, cooker, dishwasher and best of all quiet aircon!. Our room balcony overlooked the pool and also had a view of the sea and beach to the side.

The hotel had two pools and two hot tubs, both of which were clean and not at all busy. The hotel itself I couldn%26#39;t fault. I could of happily stayed there for a full two weeks break.

Went for a swim in the pool then down for a swim in the sea, It was very warm I have never been to the Gulf Coast and didn%26#39;t realise how warm the sea actually was. Was really enjoying a swim in the sea till my FIL mentioned stingrays and sharks!!. The beach was lovely and clean, and there were still a few people on there even though it was almost 7pm.

Anyway the clouds and rain came again so we headed off to shower and go and get something to

eat, before settling down for the night.

Although we didn%26#39;t stay long on the Gulf Coast I stayed long enough to know that I want to go back, possibly for a week. There are places I want to go and take the time to visit such as Fort De Soto Park amongst others.

Well we got up the next day, and once again it was raining. It had rained all night and we actually had to paddle (almost knee deep) through the car park to get our car.

We set off to Busch Gardens via some huge bridge and through the ';scenic route'; (my FIL%26#39;s words). Passed through a really weird place (didn%26#39;t note the name) it was full of s拢x shops and that was about all, didn%26#39;t see a grocery store or even a single soul come to that.

Anyway stopped off for brekki near Busch only to be told due to the torrential rain the rides were not running. After a quick discussion we decided to stay in the area and off we went to the University Mall, stayed there a couple of hours till the rain passed. Got into Busch and you%26#39;ve guessed, it started to rain again. The car park was free as it looked like the staff had gone home, so we parked in preffered parking for free.

Went into the park and the sun came out, so we got in the queue (5mins) for SheiKra. We sat at the front and as we set off... yep it started to rain again. The floorless version is great (I was terrified as I hate heights) my youngest thought it was brilliant. In between the rain storms we managed to ride Montu and hubby and kids went on Gwazi. Due to the severity of the rain ALL the rides shut and only opened again once the rain had stopped. We happily walked round in our poncho%26#39;s and while the rides where shut I played my fave rainy day game of splash, and just like last year, people didn%26#39;t seem impressed by my puddle jumping skills ;-)

Well we didn%26#39;t really get a lot done at Busch due to the weather but we made the best of it. Arrived back at our hotel at around 10.30pm (totally knackered).

Well I think I have covered most aspects of our visit apart from food. Unfortunately this is where our plans went belly up.

Just before our trip my eldest son had quite a bad stomach bug which really knocked him for six. For the first week we were there he still felt a bit washed out, and his appetite didn%26#39;t really return fully till part way throughl the second week.

We spent the first week eating at places that would accommadate the fact that my sons appetite did not require a huge plate of food putting in front of him. These included, Perkins, IHop and Denny%26#39;s. A member of staff at Denny%26#39;s actually knocked the price of my sons meal off our final bill as he had barely touched it.

As for other places we ate inside the parks a few times, Croissant Moon Bakery just inside IOA did really nice sandwiches, paninis and pastries. A bit of a small place but very nice if you can find a seat. My youngest requested to go into Mels Diner in Universal as he enjoys the atmosphere and music. Just your typicall burgers and shakes type of thing but nice and clean and staff were friendly.

We also ate at Hooters at Pointe Orlando at the request of both my sons. My out laws were horrified as they thought we were trying to take them to some sort of seedy strip joint (the mind boggles). Anyway the food was okay, the girls were very friendly and attentive, and happy to pose for photo%26#39;s with both my sons (and with hubby).

We also went into Jimmy Buffetts near the end of our stay but unfortunately couldn%26#39;t get reservations :-(

We wanted to try Jonny Rockets at Pointe Orlando but it didn%26#39;t seem to be open (we passed it twice during our stay).

Well I think that nis about it apart from....

Gripes/moans (just a couple and here they are!)

Designated smoking areas in the parks ignored by some people who just seemed to light up anywhere, including in queues. The only place I saw the rule being enforced was W%26#39;n%26#39;W.

One of the pools at our hotel was closed one afternoon for a private party, no warning of this just a note on the gate stating that ';pool closed due to private party';. Receptions explanation was they hired out the pool to anyone who wanted to hire it! (I wasn%26#39;t impressed).

Flight home; Check in completed in no time at all at Sanford. Very strict about liquids going through security, (saw them take a snow globe off a young girl), all passengers had to remove belts and footwear.

Flight departed on time The staff were very miserable, but the seats were wider and more comfortable than the flight out!!

We couldn%26#39;t understand this as it was the same type of plane (Airbus A330), the only difference was the seat colour!!!!

Right thanks to anyone who has read my TR%26#39;s and apologies if they are too long and go on a bit.

Once again any questions please ask as I%26#39;m sure I have probably missed something out. :-)

Final part of Trip Report.

Thanks Jan.

We werent too impressed by Clearwater either. Much more built up %26amp; busy than we had anticiapted. We also want to go to the coast next year but will have to look into something less crowded. There was a huge thunderstorm the day we were there too.

Sorry you didnt get to Jimmy Buffets - you would have LOVED Warren he has such a way with the customers.

Really glad you had a good time.x

Final part of Trip Report.


About your flight home - and the restrictions at the airport.

I wanted to buy a snowglobe this time on holiday - does it mean if i try to bring it on as hand luggage it%26#39;s likely i%26#39;ll get it taken off me??? Grateful for your musings on that one please.

Bit wary of putting it in the luggage - you see the way they get tossed about, a snowglobe wouldn%26#39;t stand a chance!



I am glad you liked the Alden and St Pete Beach, it%26#39;s a great place to stay, hope you go back soon.


have you started to plan your next trip yet

i have enjoyed reading your trip reports


don%26#39;t think we would stay in Clearwater (been there seen it) on our next visit to the coast but would happily stay further down the coast.


your snow globe has to go in your case, due to the restrictions on liquids, (sorry to be the bearer of bad news). We have fetched back fragile things before and just wrapped them in a couple of towels and made sure they are in the middle of the case.


St Pete was gorgeous and wouldn%26#39;t hesitate to visit again, and would stay at the Alden again like a shot.


I was looking at hotels the day after we arrived home! I will start looking at flights when they come out. We are hoping to go August next year.

P.S. Thanks for all the commments :-)


Thanks for such a comprehensive report. Enjoyed reading it.

Great trip report. I%26#39;ve really enjoyed reading it.

great reportJan...Guess what, we did the fast check in on i-drive, then proceeded to some shops, where I bought 5...yes 5 snow globes for people at work! And, yes i got stopped at security, and had to loose all of them....

We went to Jonny Rockets for a drink, but waited 15 mins, to be served...why such a long wait you ask...? you might well ask!!! It was packed with those darn beige rucksacks!!! So we left without our drink


sorry to hear about your snow globes...... but it%26#39;s a good enough excuse as far as I%26#39;m concerned to book another holiday!!

Hopefully next time we will all manage to avoid the beige rucsack brigade ;-)

I got them pens instead from duty free... :)

have you booked next years yet? Or are you looking?

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