Thursday, April 1, 2010

first day

what do you think the plan of action should be for the first day. i have worked our itenary out and, how annoying, my husband is now quibbling over going to Magic Kingdom for the first day and thinks we shoud do a water park instead???? any comments anyone - apart from that i have just seriously stressed myself out pack for me, him and two children!

first day

6 visits to Orlando and 6 times we have been to Sea World on the first day.

Also, I still recommnd to people not to do any of the Disney parks on a Saturday or Sunday. I find there is a noticable different in the lengths of the que compaired to mid week.

first day

You are quite tired on the first day %26amp; the kids will be too. If you really want to do a park dont do MK as it is the most crowded %26amp; tiring. We do AK first always as we find it less tiring %26amp; as it closes earlier it is a shorter day for us.

Another altrnative is Seaworld. Much quieter %26amp; relaxed.

You are quite tired on the first day %26amp; the kids will be too. If you really want to do a park dont do MK as it is the most crowded %26amp; tiring. We do AK first always as we find it less tiring %26amp; as it closes earlier it is a shorter day for us.

i wud do the water parks u lay down an sun bath while he does the slides,thats if you no bothered about them.i find water parks so relaxing when you are chap does all the packing he his fantastic at doing it, i just bang every thing in cos i no he will take it all out again and redo it perfectly, it takes him ages but i dont moan.Try not to stress just think we of to walt disney wolf a trip of a lifetime.swe go 6 oct to 4 nov it will be our third time,staying on international drive holiday inn its great. have a great holiday.My 3 girls age 14 9 9 are well loolin forward to going, oh and he also packs the girls case too.angie happy holidays.

Agree with either Seaworld or Animal Kingdom. The pace feels a bit slower at these parks and they are a good introduction to the way of things. We usually do Seaworld first but are going to do AK this year. Also you might find you are awake quite early due to your body clocks and so you can get to the park nice and early. Enjoy

oooooh im so excited! think im prob more excited than the kids. i cant believe some of you have been so many times!

well everyone - thanks for all your help will post Trip Report on my return - but i dont want to think about that at the moment lol

once again, thanks for all the advice and help i dont think i would have planned as much as i did without you all

i have now changed my itenary for either seaworld or AK on the first day!

Can I also add that we do AK last, as we are completly knackard after 2 weeks and its a nice relaxing way to round off the holiday!!

last year when we went for the first time we did wet n wild on the first day which was great, but i was thinking of doing seaworld this time round

A lot of people forget the time difference and there is no way you%26#39;d last past about 7pm local time on your first day - this means you%26#39;d miss Spectromagic and the fireworks.

Like everyone else has said, Seaworld and AK are 2 fairly relaxing parks that don%26#39;t drain the life out of you (or your family).

We did magic kingdom on our first 2 days, there for 11 in the morning both days and on the second day we stayed till midnight. yes we ere knackered but i wouldnt have gone to disney without doing MK first.

couldnt wait to see the pure magic of the place.

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