Saturday, April 3, 2010

2008 dining plan

Hi - Just wondering, since the new plan does not have an appetizer included in the plan do you think they will let you substitute a salad in exchange for a dessert. I know this may sound silly, but my husband is diabetic and would rather a salad then the dessert.

2008 dining plan

Hi doyle,

It%26#39;s not silly at all. Disney is very good about taking care of people with special diets. I would think you would be able to trade a dessert for a salad, just let your server know at the time you order. You can call ( and this is recomended on several web sites ) Disney a week before you are going to let them know you have a special diet and they will make a note on your reservation. Keep in mind there are some great sugar-free food options at many of the Restaurants, Table service and Counter Service, at all the Parks and Resorts. I think has a listing of whats available.

2008 dining plan

Thanks Partypa. I am making the last of my dinner reservations tonight. We are going at the end of January with our two kids ages 10 and 6. We were there two years ago at WL and they loved it. This year we are lucky enough to stay at the Polynesian Magic Kingdom View. Our dinners include:

Chef Mickeys, Hoop dee doo, California Grill, Boma, Norway Princess dinner, Le Cellier and I am going to try to book Crystal Palace for breakfast and Kona Cafe for dinner which leaves me with one dinner which I will probably do when we get there unless I think of something else.

Thanks again for your help.

Enjoy the Poly, it%26#39;s one of our favourites. We will be at Disney in 25 days, can%26#39;t wait ! We are also booked for Boma, Kona Cafe and Crystal Palace, to name a few, Yummy !

Have a great trip partypa and let us all know how your trip went. Yes, we also love the Poly went there many years ago on our honeymoon but were not able to do the magic kingdom view at that time so this will be special.

Crystal Palace breakfast is GREAT! The food was wonderful, as was the character interaction!

Thanks again - Just finalized the rest of our reservations yesterday. We will be having breakfast at Crystal Palace at the first seating which is 8:05 only 5 more months to go.

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