Saturday, April 3, 2010


I just read someone%26#39;s post that they got stung a couple of times...and that was normal, that they usually get stung 2-3 times...OUCH!!!!! I will have 2 girls ..6 and 11, who will want to play in the water, this not such a great idea?? We went to Fort MYers Beach last Nov. and water was seaweed, no jellies, just some sand dollars, etc. I have never been to PCB, and now I am a liitle aprehensive...maybe we should go back to Fort Myers. I really would like to experience PCB, but I%26#39;m going for the ocean and it still worth it? I think I analyse things too much...I just like to do all of my worrying on this end, so I can enjoy the vacation end. Thanks for any and all info


Hmmp. I%26#39;ve never had a jelly sting and I go to PCB a fair amount. Maybe you should mix up a Pineapple Mojito and stop worrying!! (SMILE) I would stick with PCB over Fort Myers anyday.


ha ha maybe that drink is just what I need. Thanks for the reply..I%26#39;ll stick with PCB.

My son was stung at Mexico Beach (30 miles or so east of PCB) around August 11th, but we never saw any at the beach in PCB (in front of Seychelles that is). Luckily, we had a spray bottle of vinegar and some Adolph%26#39;s meat tenderizer with us, and he was pain free in minutes. We applied both - so one of those definitely worked. I%26#39;m thinking the vinegar helped best.

We did see quite a few really big red ones near the Shell Island jetties when we rented a pontoon boat. I didn%26#39;t see any tentacles on those, so I%26#39;m not certain they were the stinging type. And we saw TONS of small silver dollar sized ones with long tentacles in the channel there by Shell Island a couple days later when we came back from deep sea fishing. is reporting today: ';JELLIES ARE BAD = you will get stung!'; They%26#39;re pretty thick up in Destin as well I hear. I wouldn%26#39;t be overly worried though, as they go as quick as they come. Hopefully by the time you get there, they%26#39;ll be gone. ;)

We just got back from Panama City Beach. My grandaughter did get stung by a jelly fish. Wal-Mart sells these green capsules that you apply to the sting. In a matter of minutes, she was OK. I had bought these before we hit the beach and I%26#39;m glad I did. I have been going to Destin and Panama City Beach and have never been stung nor has my husband. Just enjoy your vacation!

Thanks for the info...I may bring along vinegar, or buy some of those green capsules at Walmart before we head to the beach. I really hope that we can ocean play, though, without having to worry about them. I still may consider Fort Myers Beach...I don%26#39;t want to have to avoid the ocean because of jellies.

Yeah , we were there two weeks ago and we saw a few small ones and one pretty big jellyfish. We did see one girl get stung, but if you keep a close watch you shouldn%26#39;t have any trouble spotting them ahead of time. This was down at St. Andrews in the swimming area.

We just got back from the area (Seagrove Beach) this weekend. There were a few jellies, but the water (after the algae/seaweed cleared) was so clear you could see them coming. By the time we left they were gone. So as someone else posted, they go as fast as they come. Enjoy the trip. Never been to Ft Myers, but I LOVE the emerald waters. Relax and have a good time.

okay gus...just a couple of more annoying questions. Do the jellies come right to shore?? knee high?? waist high?? shoulder?? I have never been stung, but that%26#39;s an experience I can live without!! Also, I think if my girls got stung, they wouldn%26#39;t go back in the water...and that%26#39;s why we%26#39;re going to the beach. Oh wee, what can you do...Mother Nature, right. Hope for the best. Thanks again

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