Saturday, April 3, 2010

Can anyone tell me about Silver Beach Club Resort.

I have a week at the Silver Beach Club in August 2007. The pictures I%26#39;ve seen are very dated. Is this place worth staying with a young family?

Can anyone tell me about Silver Beach Club Resort.

The location is excellent but the resort could sure use some updating.

Can anyone tell me about Silver Beach Club Resort.

Thanks, just what I thought but escaping Illinois for sunny Florida will sure be a treat. My kids will be just as excited no matter what the accomodations. I appreciate the help

How much time will you spend in your room anyway when you have the beach and water:)

We have gone to Daytona Beach for 13 of the last 15 years for Spring Break (from Holland, Michigan). Our church people (we%26#39;ve had as many as 54 people go) - and my family have stayed in a few places that are now gone with the wind (Hurricane). Silver Beach Club is one of the best we%26#39;ve stayed in. Could use some paint but the insides were nice and clean. The pool is kept up well and we feel right at home. If I can find someplace to update thepictures I will. You will enjoy the place.


I just read someone%26#39;s post that they got stung a couple of times...and that was normal, that they usually get stung 2-3 times...OUCH!!!!! I will have 2 girls ..6 and 11, who will want to play in the water, this not such a great idea?? We went to Fort MYers Beach last Nov. and water was seaweed, no jellies, just some sand dollars, etc. I have never been to PCB, and now I am a liitle aprehensive...maybe we should go back to Fort Myers. I really would like to experience PCB, but I%26#39;m going for the ocean and it still worth it? I think I analyse things too much...I just like to do all of my worrying on this end, so I can enjoy the vacation end. Thanks for any and all info


Hmmp. I%26#39;ve never had a jelly sting and I go to PCB a fair amount. Maybe you should mix up a Pineapple Mojito and stop worrying!! (SMILE) I would stick with PCB over Fort Myers anyday.


ha ha maybe that drink is just what I need. Thanks for the reply..I%26#39;ll stick with PCB.

My son was stung at Mexico Beach (30 miles or so east of PCB) around August 11th, but we never saw any at the beach in PCB (in front of Seychelles that is). Luckily, we had a spray bottle of vinegar and some Adolph%26#39;s meat tenderizer with us, and he was pain free in minutes. We applied both - so one of those definitely worked. I%26#39;m thinking the vinegar helped best.

We did see quite a few really big red ones near the Shell Island jetties when we rented a pontoon boat. I didn%26#39;t see any tentacles on those, so I%26#39;m not certain they were the stinging type. And we saw TONS of small silver dollar sized ones with long tentacles in the channel there by Shell Island a couple days later when we came back from deep sea fishing. is reporting today: ';JELLIES ARE BAD = you will get stung!'; They%26#39;re pretty thick up in Destin as well I hear. I wouldn%26#39;t be overly worried though, as they go as quick as they come. Hopefully by the time you get there, they%26#39;ll be gone. ;)

We just got back from Panama City Beach. My grandaughter did get stung by a jelly fish. Wal-Mart sells these green capsules that you apply to the sting. In a matter of minutes, she was OK. I had bought these before we hit the beach and I%26#39;m glad I did. I have been going to Destin and Panama City Beach and have never been stung nor has my husband. Just enjoy your vacation!

Thanks for the info...I may bring along vinegar, or buy some of those green capsules at Walmart before we head to the beach. I really hope that we can ocean play, though, without having to worry about them. I still may consider Fort Myers Beach...I don%26#39;t want to have to avoid the ocean because of jellies.

Yeah , we were there two weeks ago and we saw a few small ones and one pretty big jellyfish. We did see one girl get stung, but if you keep a close watch you shouldn%26#39;t have any trouble spotting them ahead of time. This was down at St. Andrews in the swimming area.

We just got back from the area (Seagrove Beach) this weekend. There were a few jellies, but the water (after the algae/seaweed cleared) was so clear you could see them coming. By the time we left they were gone. So as someone else posted, they go as fast as they come. Enjoy the trip. Never been to Ft Myers, but I LOVE the emerald waters. Relax and have a good time.

okay gus...just a couple of more annoying questions. Do the jellies come right to shore?? knee high?? waist high?? shoulder?? I have never been stung, but that%26#39;s an experience I can live without!! Also, I think if my girls got stung, they wouldn%26#39;t go back in the water...and that%26#39;s why we%26#39;re going to the beach. Oh wee, what can you do...Mother Nature, right. Hope for the best. Thanks again

coranado spring ?

has anybody stayed here? what did you think about it? pros - cons? where is/are bus stop(s)? how is food? pool?

coranado spring ?

I%26#39;ve not personally stayed there, but I recently has a co-worker who did and I grilled her for details.

Coronado Springs is a rather large, spread out resort often used for conventions and corporate meetings. According to my co-worker, the main building is a fair hike to the more remote buildings of the campus. I got the feeling it is much like Port Orleans Riverside in that respect.

She said the food and pools were ';Disney standard'; and above the average hotel, but nothing totallly spectacular.

There are four bus stops around the perimeter campus, but because of it remote location, the resort does have exclusive bus service and does not share with other resorts. However, bus time to the Magic Kingdom took about 25 minutes most busy mornings.

coranado spring ?

I have stayed and this is my favourite moderate resort!

However its only my favourite as i travel with my partner and no children. This resort is great for couples as not many families stay there so can be quiet after being in the parks.

The buses to all the parks are pretty quick except for the MK which is about 25 mins

The food in the pepper court is not great but to be honest i never eat at the hotel anyway

Coronado is a beautiful resort but if your going with kids i would opt out and go for the Port orleans or carribbean beach instead

Thanks Kat for all your info. Wow!!! 25 minutes by bus!!!

tjay2 we do have a couple of teens but if it is quieter than other resorts that may be just what we need after a long day of crowds. Glad to hear you liked it there. Thanks for the reply.

so... only 2 people have stay here! I guess it won%26#39;t be very crowded then ;)

I%26#39;m staying there for the first time at the end of next month. It is top pick for a moderate resort. It is considered the most deluxe of the moderates. Also, if you are looking for more information regarding this resort, check out this guy%26#39;s Coronado Springs website:

Coronado consistantly gets favorable reviews on Because of the convention traffic, the buses tend to be less populated. I%26#39;ve read that it is more centrally located than the other moderate and that the trips to all of the parks are pretty reasonable. I heard it was more along the lines of 15 minutes to MK, but I guess that would also depend on where you are located in the resort.

Also, they have a ';fancier'; food court. This is a good thing if you are on the dining plan since it still counts as a counter service meal, but not necessarily the best if you are paying out of pocket.

Thanks for your reply sdfjhalkf ! I will check those sites out. Sounds like we will be staying there just before you will be.

Checked out those sites and this place looks so nice! Can%26#39;t wait to see it in person!

Hello ruleoffour,

The Coronado is my least favorite moderate resort, with the Port Orleans Riverside being my favorite!

The Coronado is the newest of the moderates. We%26#39;ve never stayed there, but visited and thought it felt very much like a convention center, but still very nice. The main pool area was beautiful and not overrun by little kids which would certainly be a draw for couples or older kids. 25 minutes seems a little long to me too. This site is pretty good and says 18 minutes but heavy traffic can make all the trips longer.鈥?/a>

Value Movies Resort, anything there free for the kids???

We are going to Disney in Nov and Staying on property at the Movies. Are there things to do here at this hotel free to kids? Thanks

Value Movies Resort, anything there free for the kids???

If you are staying on Disney property you can take in the Campfire at Fort Wilderness campground - Chip n Dale are usually there and they offer a free (Disney) movie afterwards.

Value Movies Resort, anything there free for the kids???

hello you know how I get info on the campfire?? Do they have one every night?? Do they provide a shuttle...we are staying at Pop Century. Do they give a flyer about it when you check into the hotel. We stayed at Animal Kingdom Lodge last year, and heard no mention of it. Do we need to reserve?? I know, I know...lots of questions!! Any info you have would be great. Thanks

For more info on the cmpfire at Fort Wilderness go to

You can drive to the Ft Wilderness Camp Ground or take a bus from POP to Downtown Disney and then a Bus to Ft Wilderness.

There are programs set up at all the Resorts, best to check what%26#39;s current when you check-in. Going to Downtown Disney is always a great way to spend a little time away from the Parks.

  • lip care
  • Favorite thing?

    What is your most favorite thing to do while in PCB?

    Favorite thing?

    Walk to Schooners for Lobsterfest! Its a fun weekend.

    Favorite thing?

    Well, my most favorite thing to do is me, it%26#39;s so relaxing just floating out in the water and looking for shells.....we do all of our snorkeling out in front of our rental and then when we make a day trip to Shell Island...we spend most of the day snorkeling....We%26#39;ve done all the frills and thrills in PCB.....we just enjoy the R %26amp; R....Oh, our second most favorite thing to do is EAT.......we%26#39;re going Sept. 8-13th.....counting the days............

    I agree with the eating part! You can%26#39;t get seafood like in Kentucky! Besides that though, we really like the Sea Screamer. The captain and his mate are great. The sunset cruise is spectacular!

    I%26#39;m sorry I meant to say you can%26#39;t get seafood like that in Kentucky. All we have is the freshwater variety!

    trying to decide between dream inn and sunglow resort

    Coming to Daytona for the weekend. Trying to decide between Dream Inn and Sunglow resort. Does any one have any advise on either one?

    trying to decide between dream inn and sunglow resort

    I too am going to Daytona soon and was considering Sunglow resort from vrbo, do you know anything about this place? Would appreciate any advice on it. Anne

    trying to decide between dream inn and sunglow resort

    Hi Georgia!

    I talked with someone from sunglow resort. They offered me a 1 b//r oceanview for 99.00 per night plus a 45$ cleaning fee.

    I don%26#39;t know what kind of deal you found. I was just concerned about some of the reviews I%26#39;ve seen. You can access them directly at If I learn anything new, I%26#39;ll let you know.

    Dont go to the Dream Inn! I made that mistake! I just got back from Florida, and I came back a week early because it was so gross! I have so many pictures of how totally disgusting and unsanitary this place is.

    The website is decieving. The place might have looked like that a decade ago but not anymore. I filed complaints with the licence board of Florida Hotels, and with the BBB.

    Do yourself a favor and go anywhere else!!!

    with school back in session, you probably could find an oceanview for 99 a night with NO cleaning fee.

    Do men leave the packing to women?

    I believe this is so. I am not trusted to pack even something as insignificant as a pair of undercrackers.

    I would hazard a guess this is true for 99% of the male population. Why is this so? Why do women not trust men to pack? Mind you, I do hate packing.

    Do men leave the packing to women?

    Because they think we%26#39;re stupid.

    Do men leave the packing to women?

    My husband puts it in the case.

    And i take it out he puts to much in and never wears half of it.

    And they say a woman packs to much.

    On the contrary, my husband has always packed his own clothes, and I love it. Of course, he travels a great deal for work, so he has the system down pat.

    Hi Chinners

    From personal experience only, men are fine to pack their own clothes and undies but entirely useless at packing other necessities - ie toiletries, cameras, mobile phone, thing to amuse the kids, plug adaptors.

    In our house we always have the joy of my husband moaning that he can pack in five minutes whilst I take all morning to pack just my stuff and the kids - he seems to be in blissful ignorance that packing involves anything more than lobbing a few clothes into a case!


    Well if this is the case i must be a female in a million as i am not trusted to pack anything not even the weekly grocery shop !!!! lol

    I was blessed with a most disorganised nature i would rather sit with a bacardi and coke and watch him do it all anyway! and what%26#39;s best of all i don%26#39;t have to carry anything either!!!!!!

    I actually have a sneaking suspicion that women, for some strange unfathonable reason, enjoy packing more than even chocolate or shoes.

    Husband packs his electronic stuff (hand baggage) and gets his toiletries together, I pack everything else (i.e. all his clothes and shoes).

    I just don%26#39;t trust him to get it right. He is bound to:

    - forget something (like a good pair of shoes, his cap),

    - pack too little (i.e. ';what do you mean two pairs of underpants isn%26#39;t enough for a two week holiday?';), or

    - pack the wrong things (i.e. horrible t-shirts that I don%26#39;t like or things that don%26#39;t co-ordinate into outfits...)

    If I pack all of his clothes, shoes, underwear for him... I know that he wont have any ';wardrobe disasters';.

    Doesn%26#39;t mean that all men are the same, but (if I am travelling with him and, therefore, what he is dressed like reflects on me) mine needs sorting out...


    Hate to buck the trend but I am absolutely hopeless at packing - my husband is far better than me at getting everything into the case. I simply make a big pile of clothes and leave it up to him!

    The only problem I have is when I am travelling without him (for work) - the last time I had to go to the local mall on the last day and buy another bag as I couldn%26#39;t get my case closed!!

    Oh and the other thing is, if husband packed his own clothes, they would probably get to our destination all creased and scrunched up...


    Everybody%26#39;s different I guess.

    Example 1, my dad does all the packing, my mum tells him what she%26#39;d like to take and he does the rest.

    Example 2, my husband tells me what he%26#39;d like to pack, I pack it, I pack everything else I know he%26#39;ll need, then on the plane he says ';damn it I didn%26#39;t pack my (whatever)'; to be told ';good job that I packed it then!';

    Although Trish may see that my hubby doesn%26#39;t really have a choice... the organisational freak that I am ;)

    Final part of Trip Report.

    OK here goes, the last part of my TR.

    Well we left Tarpon Springs behind along with the massive downpour that had started. We drove down to Clearwater Beach with plans to stay there for the night. We parked up and went for a walk on the beach. I wasn%26#39;t too impressed by the cleanliness of the beach as there did seem to be a bit of rubbish about. There were plenty of shells on the beach. My youngest son had a great time collecting the shells and sand dollars.

    Had a short walk around Clearwater, I say short as it started raining again. By this time we had decided to drive further down the coast and look for somewhere else to stay. I can%26#39;t say I was overly impressed by Clearwater, there was a lot of construction work going on and the place just seemed a bit dirty and miserable. I don%26#39;t know if this was down to the appaling weather we were having, which lasted two full days on and off (more on than off). All the (very friendly) Americans we spoke to kept asking us if we were being reminded of home with all the bad weather.

    We drove down the Gulf Boulevard road which took us through various places such as, Bellair Beach, Indian Rocks Beach, Reddington Beach, and other places. All these places looked worthy of an overnight stay. Very uncommercialised and clean looking, with some gorgeous beachfront houses, one of which I will buy one day (I wish).

    All through this journey it poured down, it finally stopped as we arrived at ST Pete. We pulled into a Tradewinds hotel and nearly fell over laughing when they told us they wanted $270 per room for the night. Eventually after some negotiating it dropped to $200 per room. We went to look at the rooms, why I don%26#39;t know as we had no intention of stopping there at that price. Well the rooms had a sea view but apart from that were not much better than the QIP where we were staying on I Drive. Don%26#39;t get me wrong there was five pools and the hotel was beautifully laid out, but not worth that price.

    We found out later that the prices were so high due to a kids beauty pageant that was being held at the hotel.

    We pulled into the car park at The Alden Beach Resort next door and got two suites for $100 per suite, from very helpful and friendly staff. Gorgeous rooms, two big TV%26#39;s, big fridge with freezer, cooker, dishwasher and best of all quiet aircon!. Our room balcony overlooked the pool and also had a view of the sea and beach to the side.

    The hotel had two pools and two hot tubs, both of which were clean and not at all busy. The hotel itself I couldn%26#39;t fault. I could of happily stayed there for a full two weeks break.

    Went for a swim in the pool then down for a swim in the sea, It was very warm I have never been to the Gulf Coast and didn%26#39;t realise how warm the sea actually was. Was really enjoying a swim in the sea till my FIL mentioned stingrays and sharks!!. The beach was lovely and clean, and there were still a few people on there even though it was almost 7pm.

    Anyway the clouds and rain came again so we headed off to shower and go and get something to

    eat, before settling down for the night.

    Although we didn%26#39;t stay long on the Gulf Coast I stayed long enough to know that I want to go back, possibly for a week. There are places I want to go and take the time to visit such as Fort De Soto Park amongst others.

    Well we got up the next day, and once again it was raining. It had rained all night and we actually had to paddle (almost knee deep) through the car park to get our car.

    We set off to Busch Gardens via some huge bridge and through the ';scenic route'; (my FIL%26#39;s words). Passed through a really weird place (didn%26#39;t note the name) it was full of s拢x shops and that was about all, didn%26#39;t see a grocery store or even a single soul come to that.

    Anyway stopped off for brekki near Busch only to be told due to the torrential rain the rides were not running. After a quick discussion we decided to stay in the area and off we went to the University Mall, stayed there a couple of hours till the rain passed. Got into Busch and you%26#39;ve guessed, it started to rain again. The car park was free as it looked like the staff had gone home, so we parked in preffered parking for free.

    Went into the park and the sun came out, so we got in the queue (5mins) for SheiKra. We sat at the front and as we set off... yep it started to rain again. The floorless version is great (I was terrified as I hate heights) my youngest thought it was brilliant. In between the rain storms we managed to ride Montu and hubby and kids went on Gwazi. Due to the severity of the rain ALL the rides shut and only opened again once the rain had stopped. We happily walked round in our poncho%26#39;s and while the rides where shut I played my fave rainy day game of splash, and just like last year, people didn%26#39;t seem impressed by my puddle jumping skills ;-)

    Well we didn%26#39;t really get a lot done at Busch due to the weather but we made the best of it. Arrived back at our hotel at around 10.30pm (totally knackered).

    Well I think I have covered most aspects of our visit apart from food. Unfortunately this is where our plans went belly up.

    Just before our trip my eldest son had quite a bad stomach bug which really knocked him for six. For the first week we were there he still felt a bit washed out, and his appetite didn%26#39;t really return fully till part way throughl the second week.

    We spent the first week eating at places that would accommadate the fact that my sons appetite did not require a huge plate of food putting in front of him. These included, Perkins, IHop and Denny%26#39;s. A member of staff at Denny%26#39;s actually knocked the price of my sons meal off our final bill as he had barely touched it.

    As for other places we ate inside the parks a few times, Croissant Moon Bakery just inside IOA did really nice sandwiches, paninis and pastries. A bit of a small place but very nice if you can find a seat. My youngest requested to go into Mels Diner in Universal as he enjoys the atmosphere and music. Just your typicall burgers and shakes type of thing but nice and clean and staff were friendly.

    We also ate at Hooters at Pointe Orlando at the request of both my sons. My out laws were horrified as they thought we were trying to take them to some sort of seedy strip joint (the mind boggles). Anyway the food was okay, the girls were very friendly and attentive, and happy to pose for photo%26#39;s with both my sons (and with hubby).

    We also went into Jimmy Buffetts near the end of our stay but unfortunately couldn%26#39;t get reservations :-(

    We wanted to try Jonny Rockets at Pointe Orlando but it didn%26#39;t seem to be open (we passed it twice during our stay).

    Well I think that nis about it apart from....

    Gripes/moans (just a couple and here they are!)

    Designated smoking areas in the parks ignored by some people who just seemed to light up anywhere, including in queues. The only place I saw the rule being enforced was W%26#39;n%26#39;W.

    One of the pools at our hotel was closed one afternoon for a private party, no warning of this just a note on the gate stating that ';pool closed due to private party';. Receptions explanation was they hired out the pool to anyone who wanted to hire it! (I wasn%26#39;t impressed).

    Flight home; Check in completed in no time at all at Sanford. Very strict about liquids going through security, (saw them take a snow globe off a young girl), all passengers had to remove belts and footwear.

    Flight departed on time The staff were very miserable, but the seats were wider and more comfortable than the flight out!!

    We couldn%26#39;t understand this as it was the same type of plane (Airbus A330), the only difference was the seat colour!!!!

    Right thanks to anyone who has read my TR%26#39;s and apologies if they are too long and go on a bit.

    Once again any questions please ask as I%26#39;m sure I have probably missed something out. :-)

    Final part of Trip Report.

    Thanks Jan.

    We werent too impressed by Clearwater either. Much more built up %26amp; busy than we had anticiapted. We also want to go to the coast next year but will have to look into something less crowded. There was a huge thunderstorm the day we were there too.

    Sorry you didnt get to Jimmy Buffets - you would have LOVED Warren he has such a way with the customers.

    Really glad you had a good time.x

    Final part of Trip Report.


    About your flight home - and the restrictions at the airport.

    I wanted to buy a snowglobe this time on holiday - does it mean if i try to bring it on as hand luggage it%26#39;s likely i%26#39;ll get it taken off me??? Grateful for your musings on that one please.

    Bit wary of putting it in the luggage - you see the way they get tossed about, a snowglobe wouldn%26#39;t stand a chance!



    I am glad you liked the Alden and St Pete Beach, it%26#39;s a great place to stay, hope you go back soon.


    have you started to plan your next trip yet

    i have enjoyed reading your trip reports


    don%26#39;t think we would stay in Clearwater (been there seen it) on our next visit to the coast but would happily stay further down the coast.


    your snow globe has to go in your case, due to the restrictions on liquids, (sorry to be the bearer of bad news). We have fetched back fragile things before and just wrapped them in a couple of towels and made sure they are in the middle of the case.


    St Pete was gorgeous and wouldn%26#39;t hesitate to visit again, and would stay at the Alden again like a shot.


    I was looking at hotels the day after we arrived home! I will start looking at flights when they come out. We are hoping to go August next year.

    P.S. Thanks for all the commments :-)


    Thanks for such a comprehensive report. Enjoyed reading it.

    Great trip report. I%26#39;ve really enjoyed reading it.

    great reportJan...Guess what, we did the fast check in on i-drive, then proceeded to some shops, where I bought 5...yes 5 snow globes for people at work! And, yes i got stopped at security, and had to loose all of them....

    We went to Jonny Rockets for a drink, but waited 15 mins, to be served...why such a long wait you ask...? you might well ask!!! It was packed with those darn beige rucksacks!!! So we left without our drink


    sorry to hear about your snow globes...... but it%26#39;s a good enough excuse as far as I%26#39;m concerned to book another holiday!!

    Hopefully next time we will all manage to avoid the beige rucsack brigade ;-)

    I got them pens instead from duty free... :)

    have you booked next years yet? Or are you looking?

    hello from the uk.............manchester !!!!! ( lulu )

    hi there lulu!!! and everyone else...........hope u have had good weather up to now and that las olas is looking good in the sunshine??

    wer%26#39;e havin a bit of a heat wave here at the moment and just sipping on a nice cool glass of white wine..yummie !!! hic !!!

    keep looking after those cruise ships/ RCI for us as we will be on one soon..........

    c yas ................鈥?/a>

    hello from the uk.............manchester !!!!! ( lulu )

    Hmmmm! Heat wave? Well I suppose it hasn%26#39;t rained today and there is no rain forecast tomorrow for the Greater Manchester area.

    hello from the uk.............manchester !!!!! ( lulu )

    The weather in Fort Lauderdale has been great just windy. I think it was supposed to storm today. I flew back to NY yesterday and it was only 59degrees F. brrr

    My youngest daughter met some very nice people from Manchester working in a camp for people with disabilities in Connecticut. She wants to take a trip there sometime in the future so I will have to start lurking on that board. We also have a family friends whose daughter is going to Manchester for a year to teach Lacrosse.

    Hope you enjoy your planning your cruise.

    Choc!! Welcome back!! Get yourself over here!!!

    What excatly constitutes a ';heat wave'; where you are???

    We are sipping a merlot as I speak so cheers!!

    Pat, what if anything did your son have to say about the bringing booze onboard policies on RCCL? Choc- we have had several incidents of very inebriated cruisers falling overboard and some cruise lines are now restricting what patrons can bring on board personally to drink in their cabin. Holland America will only permit wine, beer and soft drinks I believe , no spirits. They claim it is a passenger safety issue- I think we all see dollar signs as a big part of their ';concern';. Trying to get a handle on the cruiseline policies so we can best warn people who ask where they can purchase before boarding- some people on have complained that booze was removed from carry on and/or checked luggage- trying to see how widespread that is..

    We are leaving Sunday for a week in the Grand Tetons/Yellowstone Park in Wyoming- I can%26#39;t wait- should be nice and cool and lots of wildlife- we had several moose sitting in the parking lot of our lodge when we were there last- of course that was 20 years ago- even though I can%26#39;t believe it has been that long!

    Keep looking for a good cruise Choc- we%26#39;ll keep the light on for you!

    lulu..were in the uk..........but would prefer florida............!!!

    phheww....another nice warm day in the manchester sun back garden ( yard to uyo floridians lol ) is a sun trap.....a little nice breeze but all ok ............

    enjoy ur wine............mines merlot or shiraz...........

    shooting range

    Hi i was wondering if there are any good shooting ranges around orlando near international drive iv found one but it is a 45 min drive from international drive so dont fancy going there also one which lets a 15 year old shoot

    shooting range

    hi...we when to one last very good but the area was i ifey...but this time im going to the that is next to the Astronaut Hall of Fame at the AMERICAN POLICE

    Hall of Fame %26amp; Museum

    shooting range

    These are the two i know of near International drive.

    Oakridge gunshop/range

    Reigs gunshop/range

    Obviously Brits are more obsessed with guns than Americans. :) It%26#39;s really not a common past time.

    coming to Orlando and your looking for a Shooting range WOW wish you were coming to my Hometown i have some annoying neighbors you could take care of for me :0

    I am slightly worried to say that my wife is interested in visiting a shooting range. Do they let you use their own guns or do you have to bring your own? And how much does it cost roughly?

    Finally, does anyone know where I can buy a bullet proof jacket as I think my life might be in danger when we return.

    when we were there i paid for me, brother and hos two cost me $72. we shoot two hand guns and a shot gun...great fun...

    Obviously Brits are more obsessed with guns than Americans. :) It%26#39;s really not a common past time.

    There are hundreds of thousands of shooters in the UK.The reason you think it%26#39;s uncommon is we have to keep ourselves to ourselves because we%26#39;re always painted as gun nuts and weirdos.

    I meant going to shooting ranges in America isn%26#39;t really a common pastime for most people. Gun use is just something you hear about on the news and in movies.

    I meant going to shooting ranges in America isn%26#39;t really a common pastime for most people.

    Whoops slight misunderstanding.

    You could well be right, i know of quite a few but most of them were shooters anyway.

    Meant shooting in America by Americans, gd. :) And I always tell my husband I%26#39;m the better communicator. Sorry.

  • lip care
  • Any All-inclusives anywhere in Florida

    Looking to go to Florida Sept 20ish any area, but needs to be all-inclusive. I don%26#39;t know of any so someone out there may. Thanks for your help in advance. Dallas1

    Any All-inclusives anywhere in Florida

    This is the only one I know of in Florida. It is on the east coast %26amp; watch out for all the ';not included'; stuff. Most A-I resorts are in the carribean and have better deals than club med.

    There are some resorts on the west coast that may include extra things but usually not meals or drinks.

    Any All-inclusives anywhere in Florida

    The Club Med Sandpiper in Port St. Lucie is the only one I know off- and it%26#39;s not great- not near the beach at all. The high labor and liquor costs in Florida pretty much keep any all inclusives out. I think you would have to look in Mexico or the Carribean for a good all inclusive- we have enjoyed the Club Meds in Martinique and the Turks/Caicos and I%26#39;ve heard the one in the Bahamas is terrific ( geared toward adults, not families). Beyond that, I think you would have to look into a cruise( all inclusive except for alcohol).

    Thanks guys i think my husband and i decided to go to Mexico ,after we got looking into prices for hotels,flight there, food, car rental, and of coarse our alcohol and who knows what else i didn%26#39;t think of. Thanks again!!

    Try the Cancun forum for mexico, lots of great AI%26#39;s there. We stayed at Riu Plalace and it was great.

    monarch flights

    has anyone gone on the new monarch flight from manchester to sanford any feedback?

    monarch flights

    4D I am going with Monarch in July. You say ';new';; can I ask what is new about it?

    monarch flights

    they say ';new'; on the website but i assume its just a new route for them, the prices look really good but will that reflect on the service / quality?

    travelling june 21st, so will let u know

    I%26#39;m on the same flight so I%26#39;ll let you know as well. We are travelling with two disabled passenger; first time with Monarch, but I%26#39;ve heard good reports about them.

    Have any of you guys who have travelled on this Manchester/Sanford route with Monarch got back yet???? And can you tell us more?

    We are flying with them on Sunday 26th August.


    I am flying 6 Sept with 2 kids.

    I would like to know about the flight as well as kids have only flown 5 hours before. Hubby and I have been lucky to have flown longer without them !!!

    Hi, I Have flown with them and i found them to be much the same as the other airlines, check in desks were quite quick, food was ok (not a huge fan of inflight meals) and i think depending on where your seats are located they can be a little cramped but hey can%26#39;t most airlines my advice is to try and get middle isle seats as opposed to window seats or possibly upgrade to extra legroom!

    i fly with them tomorrow from what i heard they are ok but sometimes the flights can be delayed and you also have to pay for the headsets. Which I think Is crazy esp after paying alot of the flight but there you go.

    Football Fanatic husband

    I wil be traveling to the Keys in late October and early November with my husband who is worried about watching the Eagles on the two Sundays that we will be there. On Sunday Oct. 30, 2007, we will be staying at the Islander in Islamorada and on Sunday Nov. 4, 2007, we will be in Key West at the Pier House.

    Can someone suggest some bars where he might be able to catch the Eagles games? The Oct. 30th game is at 1:00 p.m against Minnesota. The Nov. 4th game is at 8:15 p.m. against Dallas.

    Thanks for your help.

    Football Fanatic husband

    I%26#39;m sure ther are some bars on Duval that have tv%26#39;s, however if you don%26#39;t find one there is a TGI Fridays in new town (north part of key west) which has lots of tv%26#39;s. Not sure about Islamorada. Chili Willis is a sports type place but it%26#39;s kind of north of Islamorada.

    Football Fanatic husband

    Hog Heaven and Oceanview in Islamorada

    Chili Willies in Islamorada is another option.

    Exercise & live music opportunities in/near South Beach

    My partner and I plan to visit Miami in November. We would like suggestions on places to run, bike/rentals, kayak, explore during the day and places to hear good live music of any kind at night.

    Exercise %26amp; live music opportunities in/near South Beach


    Here are the links to all your activities plus a few meet-up groups for running with locals... Live music venues on South Beach include Jazid, Van Dyke, and the Purdy Lounge.

    Active sport info:

    Kayak Influence, 1771 Sunset Harbour Dr., Miami Beach, FL. 33139. 305-535-1227.

    Amizu recent post - ';I paid $40 to join a group of others. We left at around 5:30 and kayaked into the sunset, then we turned on flashlights and kayaked for about 2 hours around beautiful Star and Hibiscus islands, which all the gorgeous mansions dotting the shores. After a while we stopped at Monument Island (empty) and barbecued hot dogs and s%26#39;mores, then we kayaked back at around 10:30. I definitely recommend this company, and am so glad I found it!';

    Miami Beach Bicycle Center


    601 5th St, Miami Beach - (305) 531-4161

    Run info:鈥?13953917


    Sea World Promo codes

    I am travelling to Orlando in 3 weeks, does anybody know of any promo codes for the Sea World Fun Card, I%26#39;d be very grateful for any help?

    Sea World Promo codes


    here is a previous post: ';recommend They sell tickets especially geared towards the UK tourist and are one of the cheapest on the web. They also give an online discount.

    I have used them before and they are great. Wherever you end up make sure you get tickets not vouchers.';

    I have also tried, unsuccessfully, to find Sea World promo codes. I think they are primarily point-to-point codes issued to a particular person or company, rather than codes that can be applied by the general public. Some hotels also have room/ticket deals. Apparently, you don%26#39;t want to use

    Enjoy Orlando.


    The Inn at Key West

    We%26#39;ve changed our trip from January to December so we can see a shuttle lift off. So now my question is: The Inn at Key West.....

    Would you chose it or not? And why? Thanks.

    The Inn at Key West

    I would not choose it based on location alone. If you stay in Old Town, you%26#39;ll be within walking distance of sunset celebrations, tourist activities and great restaurants.

    Along with other hotels on Roosevelt, the Inn at Key West is scheduled to be razed and replaced.

    The Inn at Key West

    I would not choose it based on location alone. If you stay in Old Town, you%26#39;ll be within walking distance of sunset celebrations, tourist activities and great restaurants.

    Along with other hotels on Roosevelt, the Inn at Key West is scheduled to be razed.

    Oops, sorry.

    why are they tearing down all these places??? We had considered Comfort Inn and hear that that is going to be torn down too. Thanks for the heads up.

    Our first trip to Key West had us staying there. It had been recently renovated and the pool area was wonderful. We had rented bikes and simply road into the center when we wanted to. It was great fun! :)

    I think it depends on your personal preferences though.



    The location is a turn off for me being in New Town but the place does have a great pool area and probably one of the better ones on the BLVD.

    As I recall, they%26#39;re building a convention center in that area, and the string of hotels will be torn down to accommodate it. Ultimately the number of rooms lost will be replaced. Ahhh bureaucracy...

  • lip care
  • Camera/Camcorder

    Any advise would be appreciated.

    I fly next thursday and want to buy a casio camera and a small camcorder when i am there as they are so much cheaper (i know i will need an adapter when i get back). I have been checkingh Walmarts prices and they seem reasonable, but does anybody know any other good value retailers?


    Make sure the camcorder is PAL (UK tv) and not NTSC (US tv).


    Best Buy and Circuit City have good prices and a good selection. We personally prefer Best Buy.

    if you have a flat tv (lcd) they will do pal and ntcs

    Makahiki Luau Dinner Show


    Can anyone help with some information on this show.

    We will be on holiday in October and as Seaworld Park closes at 6:00. , does the Makahiki Luau dinner show run during the month of October? Any comments on this show would be appreciated

    Many Thanks

    Makahiki Luau Dinner Show

    Come on guy%26#39;s

    Surley someone has information relating to this thread??

    Many Thanks

    Makahiki Luau Dinner Show

    Hi, yes it is on everyday in October and starts at 6.30 pm. Can%26#39;t comment personally about the show but have read some not so favourable comments about it - maybe do a search within these forums for people%26#39;s thoughts on it.


    I%26#39;ve been to this dinner show in October, I thought it was good! better than the Disney one at Polynesian! It%26#39;s smaller and the stage is above eye level so we could see more than the Disney one. If you want I can send you picture so you can judge.

    It%26#39;s a lot of the traditional dances they have out there and also a fire dancer and the group that do it at seaworld seem to be family related, or least some of the members.

    because it%26#39;s starts after the park closes you have to go to the restaurant just before closing time.

    Anyone ever used to book a hotel room?

    Hi guys

    Has anyone ever used to book a hotel?

    Anyone ever used to book a hotel room?

    For Tickets, yes. For Hotels, no.

    I have used many times and have found them to be very reliable. You can fill out an on-line form for a Free Request a Quote. They deal directly with Disney Resorts as well as off property hotels and will look for discounts for you. I highly recomend them. They are the Travel Site for

    Anyone ever used to book a hotel room?

    I was on yesterday %26amp; they have such a good special for the Radisson Worldgate ($68) which is almost half price....

    Can anyone help???


    Sorry, haven%26#39;t used them for a hotel, just for tickets. Found their service very efficient. They are a well known company with a good reputation - if I were you l%26#39;d give them a go.

    Thanks for the input thus far. More would be appreciated!

    getting to the parks

    hi, we are travelling to comfort inn lake buena vista tomorrow! yes, tomorrow! everyone is so excited but ive just thought of another question much to your horror lol

    i understand we can get free shuttle buses from our hotel to universal, seaworld, magic kingdom etc but it doesnt say anything about water parks, ie blizzard beach, typhoon lagoon.

    can anyone tell me roughly how much it would be to get a taxi there???? or if there is another cheap way of getting to these parks???

    many thanks - someone please please please reply

    getting to the parks

    I would have thought that you could use the shuttle to get to WDW property and then use the Disney transport to get to the water parks. It shouldn%26#39;t cost anything.

    getting to the parks

    are the disney buses free then??? i thought they were only free if you were staying in disney accommodation?

    I wasn%26#39;t staying on Disney property last year and used the transportation. I did have an ultimate ticket though which I think allows you to use the Disney transport for free.

    chantal rose - how can i find out if the ticket allows this???? we have bought the freedom tickets from which basically is the flex ticket and ultimate ticket combined.

    sorry to harras you on this but im trying to get all odds and ends together now - as you can imagine - i am a bit stressed lol

    You dont need any tickets to use the transportation.

    We use it quite often when we visit Disney and never stay on site.

    We use the boat at the boardwalk every time we visit as we love it.

    No problem at all. Have you got your Freedom tickets? Did they arrive as an Ultimate Ticket and a FlexTicket or is it one ticket combined?

    The Ultimate tickets definately includes use of the WDW transportation system. The tickets4fun website states that the freedom ticket contains the two so you should recieve all the benefits of the Ultimate ticket.

    I have used buses, the resort boat %26amp; the resort monrail loads of times and have NEVER been asked for a ticket.

    i used the transport last april, on the boat i wasn%26#39;t asked for a ticket but on the bus from mgm to epcot i was. Maybe i look dodgy! lol

    Anyway mdaly, you will be ok to use the transport and you will have a fab time!

    can you tell me exactly where you pick up the disney transportation???? sorry for the questions but im thinking of lots of things at the last minute!

    Trip to mars .

    Does anyone know of a magic motion ride in Epcot called trip to mars , a friend told me after this ride he and his whole family was sick for most of the day . Are there any other rides at Disney that ars similiar and should be avoided . I can take roller coasters but I can%26#39;t take spinning around .

    Trip to mars .

    They are probably talking about Mission Space, it has extreme G force and makes alot of people sick. My husband usually does not have motion sickness but this ride ruined his entire night at EPCOT. They have an antrance to this ride that is supposed to be less extreme but we never chanced it again. Motion simulators in Disney other than this are body wars also at epcot and star wars at mgm.

    Trip to mars .

    Yes - you are referring to Mission Space at Epcot and I would suggest you avoid this ride AT ALL COSTS!

    My 7 year old son took me on it last year - kept trying to dissuade him in the queue - but he was insistent - and I thought ';how bad can this be, this is Disney after all';!

    It was horrendous and I literally fell out of the capsule when the never ending ride stopped. As soon as I saw the sick bags placed between each seat (there are 4 in a capsule) for anyone requiring them, I wanted to get out. Whatever you do, you must not shut your eyes, which is all you really want to do, otherwise you feel a whole lot worse.

    I had trouble walking out along the corridor my legs were shaking so much and I had to sit with my head low for near enough half an hour afterwards. Saw plenty of others coming out after me doing the same (strangely didn%26#39;t notice them on the way in?!).

    A youngster died on this ride a short while after we tried it - albeit I think he had an underlying heart condition which he was not aware of.

    Even if you don%26#39;t suffer from motion sickness, think seriously before going on this ride - it is SEVERE!


    Very good ride - I have been on it several times %26amp; enjoyed it a lot - I know some people suffer on it - but there are plenty of warnings on the way in - if you do suffer motion sickness, give it a miss. If you don%26#39;t make sure you ride - the G force feeling is amazing %26amp; very very clever.

    As for seeing people struggle to walk as they came off - I have never experienced that.

    I agree with Stacey, I also enjoyed this ride. We did it first thing in the morning after breakfast and were fine. There are warnings for those with certain health concerns, high blood pressure, heart problems etc. A german lady died during Easter 2006 when we there after riding Mission Space (I think she had high BP). If you have any concerns what so ever I would avoid it. If you are in good health and do not suffer from motion sickness then you have to ride it. It%26#39;s brilliant.

    I love Mission Space. The intense ride is really good but if you don%26#39;t like spinning it may make you sick. There is a less intense version you may want to try.

    There are two versions of the ride. We went on the Version that didn%26#39;t spin and it was excellent. My 8 year olds favourite ride in Epcot!

    Plus the que for this version is a lot shorter!!!

    Best ride ever! Can%26#39;t wait to get back next week. Last year I went on it 5 times in one day as there weren%26#39;t many queues. Mind you, once or twice we got delayed because someone had lost their lunch and they had to clean it up!

    The key is to look straight ahead when the g-forces hit. Look away and you%26#39;re doomed.

    We rode Mission Space. I got sick, was sick all day. I usually don%26#39;t. All it really is is spinning and more spinning with a TV monitor in front of you disorientate you more. I would not go on it again.

    late night eats

    Hey all,

    Looking for places that have good late night eats with which to sop up the alcohol (and avoid a raging hangover). Not quite sure of how late kitchens stay open down there, and I%26#39;m assuming you don%26#39;t have any diners, like up here in Jersey! ;-)


    late night eats

    Kitchen%26#39;s at many bars that serve food are open until 1am or so. You won%26#39;t have trouble getting a late night feed.

    late night eats

    Late night is 3am breakfast at Denny%26#39;s or Perkins.

    Maybe in New Town?

    Denny%26#39;s at 3am is a good thing. Right on the corner of Duval and Truman.

    Jack Flats in the mid 500 Block of Duval stays open until 2am and has great food! I love this place!!! Island Dogs Bar at 505 front Street stays open for food until 3am.


    okay! definite options, and I think that Denny%26#39;s is close to our hotel!

    915 has a small menu offered on the 2nd floor unitl 2am. The Kobe burgers are great!

    The wonderful 915 Duval St. has a late night menu %26amp; bar upstairs. This section of the place is new %26amp; it%26#39;s wonderful. (No, I do not work there.) It%26#39;s a great place with delicious food %26amp; drinks %26amp; exceptional service.

    For a smaller budget, you can go to Island Dogs.

    I%26#39;ve never been to 915 -- we keep meaning to try it. However, there was a glowing review of a KW-themed meal it prepared for the James Beard Foundation in today%26#39;s Keynoter.

    Nicole, Denny%26#39;s is a block away from you! And CVS is right there too. We were there alot for snacks, candy, ice, beer etc........

    If you are maybe looking to take something back to the room check out Damn Good Food and Mr Z%26#39;s. Both have great take out.

  • lip care
  • Walmart or grocery store on I Drive south

    Can anyone tell me where the nearest grocery store is in I Drive south?

    We are staying at the Marriott Grande Vista and will need some supplies before chilling out on our 1st night.

    Walmart or grocery store on I Drive south

    there%26#39;s a walmart on 535, just north of Poinciana Blvd. And a Publix a little further south on 535, at the intersection with 192.

    Can%26#39;t remember where Marriot GV is, but there%26#39;s a Goodings in the Crossroads shopping center just west of the I4, and a WinnDixie further north on VIneland/Apopka Rd just north of Palm Parkway.

    Walmart or grocery store on I Drive south

    The Publix is very close to the Premium Outlets, if that%26#39;s any use.

    That%26#39;s a different Publix- I remember it now and I think that one will be closer than the one I mentionned.

    How close are these to Sea World. usually stay at northe end of I Drive but next year staying at Reannasance so have been chasing tips on restaurants, shops etc. Have received a few from memebsr who%26#39;s stayed there recently but still in major info gatherign role

    If you take a left out of the Marriott and go to Vineland take a right there is a Publix in the shopping center on your right across from the Premium outlet mall. Its not far at all.

    Thanks all for the advice, We will probably get a few bits from the on site store on the 1st day, but i can imagine it will be more expensive there.

    We will go to Publix on the Sunday :-)

    It is more expensive to buy it there at the resort, but they do have alittle bit of everything. They even have a deli onsite, fresh coffee etc.

    Have a great time!

    money - atms - trav cheques - visa electron

    Am concerned regarding access to cash when in WDW for first time.

    We have a credit card (with small limit) for emergencies

    We have a Halifax Visa Electron debit card for our every day account here in UK - will we be able to withdraw cash from ATM%26#39;s in US as we do here?

    What about travellers cheques? - have been told it works differently in US?

    money - atms - trav cheques - visa electron

    As long as the debit card contains a Visa/Mastercard logo you should be able to get money however you will pay a fee to withdraw the money plus an exchange fee.

    Travelers checks work just like cash, you use them to pay and sign them at the time of purchase and then you will receive change back in dollars.

    money - atms - trav cheques - visa electron

    check with your bank but i do know that canadian banks allow you to use your debit card Point of sales and you can get cashback on your purchases from most department stores or grocery store. You do need to make sure that your account is listed under chequing. The states do not have the choice that we do. The fee for this is much lower than withdrawing from a bank machine. (should be less than $1)

    Visa Electron is not the standard visa debit so might not work. You have to check this with your HBOS as my 13 year olds electron card from HBOS does not work but our standard visa debit do. This of course was a great excuse to %26#39;borrow%26#39; money from me.

    Debit card transactions are a very expensive way to get money as HBOS stiff you with charges for every transaction, and, the US bank will normally add a $2.50 fee.

    Travellers cheques from HBOS work as cash - you hand over say $100 in a restaurant or store and are given change. Some places are asking for id but acept a drivers licence. Golden Coral is no longer accepting traveller cheques but you wouldnt want to eat there anyway.

    Unlike Europe where you have to exchange your travellers cheque, and then get stiffed in fees, there is no need to do this, they are accepted as cash at face value and by far the best way to buy.

    Credit cards get a good rate of exchange and to be fair to HBOS they are not too bad with fees here.

    Take American Express travellers cheques from HBOS, some cash and your credit card and you will be fine.

    Hi we opened a nationtion wide account put all our holiday money in it,,they dont charge for with drawals, thats why we dont use our halifax cos they do,also we take our halifax visa, they charge for paying for goods but you dont notice it when you get the bill.we dont get travellers checks because there are so many atm.nationtion wide do a great rate to pound. i recomend you open one they are so much better, you save a fortune on charges..We used our card to pay for things as well and did not get charged.there are atm,s in disney world, also hotels..we go 6 oct to 4 nov cant wait.hope this as helped you angiexx

    open a Nationwide current account, you will get a visa debit card,

    you can use it anywhere you like with no hidden charges and the same exchange rate the as the bank gets.

    used ours in Ireland a month ago got 1.50 euro to the pound instead of 1.44 just by using the nationwide card.

    bloody Marvellous.

    unfortunately i have a poor credit rating (thanks to a messy divorce) which although its now almost 5 years ago wont fall off my history for another 12 months I believe so its hard for me to open a current account with all the usual facilities so nationwide is a no go.

    I use travellers cheques when in the US. They are really easy to use. I exchange my money in the UK for Travellers Cheques in Dollars. Then when on holiday just take the amount i need for the day and use them like you would cash. As long as you have some I.D. with you (passport, driving license) its easy.

    If you have the cash to put in the bank you should be ok.let them no its for holidays ,show them the credit card as partner does not have good credit rateing but they let him open an account.have a try.angie

    PPOW..Have sent you a pm.

    i to have poor credit rating through matters in the past but managed to open a abbey account and i use my visa electron card in orlando no bother in shops and at atm.............. this might help .hope all are well today take care everyone

    chelly1 x

    Sports Bars

    Are there any sports bars in the kissimmee area who will be showing rugby world cup matches?

    Sports Bars

    Your best bet would probably be the ESPN Club at Disney%26#39;s Boardwalk for something in the Kissimmee area. There%26#39;s also the All-Star Cafe at Disney%26#39;s Wide World of Sports, but don%26#39;t think they have as many TV%26#39;s.

    Cricketeer%26#39;s Arms Pub at Festival Bay Mall is one of the best places to check out football/soccer and other primarily rest of the world sports; its a ways from Kissimmee, though, at the far north end of International Drive. Another possibility is Friday%26#39;s Front Row at International Drive and Sand Lake Rd.

    You may get more info by reposting this on the Orlando Forum, at least concerning the other pubs around.

    question on kids suites

    I have called a few places which offer kids suites and they all seem to be in one room seperated by a 3/4 wall. Does anywhere offer private kids suites (such as seperate private bedroom for parents) at a reasonable rate.

    question on kids suites

    Are you still looking in the $175 per night range for a Holiday next summer ?

    question on kids suites

    Partypa, Yes around the $175 price range but nothing over $200 per night. I just cant see spending that much.

    I will suggest again The Disney All Star Music Suites. $179 per night during August. If you can go the last week, you may be able to get the Free Dinning, that is a huge savings for a family. The Free dining offer has been announced in April the past 3 years. There are alot of Perks to staying on Disney Property.

    My 2 favourite web sites for loads of info and specials are and ( you can get a free quote on thier travel site )

    thanks partypa, I will look into that one as I remember they did have accommodations to fit the 5 of us at a reasonable price when I called.

    At the Holiday Inn Family Suites, there is a seperate bedroom for the adults, and a bunk bed thing for the kids ina seperate room bt no door, plus a seperate living area w/kitchenette.

    But for $99 or less a night you can get a 2 bed condo with full kitchen and w/d someplace like Cypress Pointe (there are others).

    I looked under the Holiday Inn Sunspree and the kids room is actually in the parents room. It was a great price though. I may go with Nickolodean in a 2 room bunk bed suite. A bit more money but worth it for the privacy.

    the Holiday Inn Sunspree is a different hotel than the one I was talking about- it%26#39;s newer and nicer and on World Center Drive just east of the Disney park entrance.

    What rate did you get for the Nick?


    We%26#39;ve booked into a 3 bdrm suite at WorldQuest Resort in September for $159 (USD)/night. I don%26#39;t know if this was a special promotion because they%26#39;re new, or what. I%26#39;m not arguing. The Suite is bigger in square footage than my house.

    And they do the housekeeping!

    The bdrms are 1 king, 1 queen, and 2 twins. Each bedroom has a tv, as does the living room (no kids fighting), and there is a kitchen and washer and dryer.


    when I was down that way househunting inJune, I had researched this place.

    They seemed swishy, but overpriced. Good for the renter (ie you) bad for and investor (ie me).

    give us a detailed TR for the accomodation when you return? Ps, I used to go to Rozel Bay all the time when I lived in old Jersey (ie the channel islands).


  • eye shadow
  • hot air ballon,

    Hi every one, we are in orlando holiday inn internatioal drive 6 oct to 4 nov,we fancy doing hot air ballon ride, does any one no how many people can ride at one time and were is there any were on international drive and how much, we are family of 2 adults 3 girls 14,9,9.angiex

    hot air ballon,

    try these websites

    www. (they have balloons that take four or six people)

    hope this helps

    How do I find a condo to rent ?

    Is there a website I can go to find condos to rent for a January 2009 trip? We are looking within 1/2 hour from Walt Disney or in the Daytona area if on the beach.

    How do I find a condo to rent ?

    Well, if you want to be actually nearby Disney, there are several ways.

    For some condo/townhouse resorts like Cypress Pointe, Regal Palms, Sabal Palms and others you can go to a hotel booking site such as and book one there. 2 bed ones in Cypress Pointe go for around $99 pernight (don%26#39;t book a 1 bed as they are studios, and book an extra night if you want a late check out or the will charge you like $150!!!).

    For ones in Windsor Hills you can use, and other places. For all types/places (and ones near the beach too) you can try and

    How do I find a condo to rent ?

    Do you know anyone who owns a time share and is a member of Interval International?You can rent weeks through them,called Getaways,and they are very reasonable,especially off season which would be when you are going.Last January I rented beautiful a one bedroom with an indoor pool,that comfortable slept 6,for $200.There are always alot of options and prices vary according to season.

    Thanks everyone. Here in Quebec, Timeshare isn%26#39;t popular at all. No one I know has it. We are hoping to be two families, so a villa or condo with 3 bedrooms may be worthwhile. If not, I guess we%26#39;ll stick to the regular motel. Any suggestions are welcome.


    With 2 families, I%26#39;d be tempted to go for a villa or townhouse with a private pool 9some townhouses have aprivate hot tub instead- great for Jan/Feb) as there will be more space for all the bodies. Make sure you look for a 2 master suite type, so both couples can have one, and the kids can use the single beds and pullout sofas.

    Some timeshare and condo places have this set up as well (Cypress Pointe 3 bed villas, and some villas at Windsor Palms and Windsor Hills).

    Have a great time looking around, that%26#39;s half the fun!

    Treasure Island

    Can anyone give me some advise on Treasure Island? We stayed at Splash a couple of weeks ago and loved it, but it was a long way from St Andrews Park. My husband wants to stay close to the park so that he can put his boat in there. Are there any other nice condo%26#39;s close by? We plan to go in Sept or Oct. Thanks for your help.

    Treasure Island

    Moonspinner is actually closer to the park and is nice, also stayed at Treasure Island and Seychelles. They are all within walking distance.

    Treasure Island

    We just got back from a week at Treasure Island. It is very close to the park, but not as close as Moonspinner. We had a nice spacious condo that was decorated well. There were a few things about it I did not like which may not bother you. First, the parking garage spaces are very small and my husband had trouble parking his large Ford truck. You have to park in the space that corresponds with your room number. Also, the spaces are not slanted like in most parking garages.

    The second thing was that the beach in front of the condo is shaded until about 10:00 in the morning. This would not bother most people but I was out by 9:00 every morning and could not work on my tan!

    The last thing was we had old fashioned keys that we had to use to lock our door every time we went out. We couldn%26#39;t just turn something on the inside of the knob and get it to lock.

    These are just minor things. The pool area is wonderful, the beach was pretty and I could walk to the pier every morning. It was a great week overall!

    Thanks to both of you for your response. I think we will give it a try. It will only be for a couple of days anyhow, so if we don%26#39;t like it we can stay somewhere else next time.

    Trip Report Part 2

    Part 2, Shuttle launch, shopping and parks

    Wednesday, Retail therapy at Millennium mall in the morning and then over to Titusville to watch the shuttle launch. Following some excellent advice on TA had directions to the park and we all sat there along with a few hundred others to watch the launch. Having tried to go on my own about 4 years ago this was something I had always wanted to do but never managed to get the timing right and when we booked there were no flights due. We arrived about 11/2 hours before lift off with a picnic and kept the kids entertained (lets just say they were not that interested). Was amazing to watch and filled an ambition of mine. Trip back to Orlando was a nightmare and took about 2 hours.

    Thursday, Universal IOA. We all agreed that this was the best park on the whole trip with something for everyone. The eldest and I rode the hulk several times (the others were too scared), fast passed all the other rides and soaked on the water rides. We were there from 9am and left at 6pm to eat at Nascar Caf茅. The food was OK and service poor, avoid.

    Friday, started early at Epcot and all headed for the test track best ride of the day and did it twice. Walking round the world it appeared to be every possible stereotype going and an excuse for Disney to try and sell you something. Probably our least favourite park! In the evening went to see the Blue Man Group and kids loved it (we had seen in Vegas last year). Small theatre and all seats looked OK.

    Saturday, Kennedy Space centre, Saturn V rocket a must see, the rest a little disappointing. This could be the most educational place in Florida but failed on all counts. Later found out it has nothing to do with NASA and is a private venture. Quick trip back to Orlando and I actually managed to get 13mpg out of the car and to the Florida Mall to visit Sophora where I got a coffee and the girls spend what seamed like forever getting a makeover and buying half the store. At least I was not in there so credit card was spared on this occasion.

    On the way out we found an Outback and decided to eat. This restaurant was so much better than the last one with great food and good service. Ribs were demolished in no time.

    Sunday, lazy morning and down to Disney Quest and the rest of downtown. We all made light sabres. Designed a roller coaster ride for the girls and then watched as they did it. So funny had to but the DVD. Downtown was very quiet and suggest this is a good time to go. Early dinner at House of Blues, nothing special but OK

    Monday, last day. Dropped the keys off and did the downtown check in with Virgin, quick and simple and avoided having to lug cases everywhere. Girls went straight back to Disney Quest and tried their hands at drawing, I stayed on the retro games. Over to Cheesecake Factory for large lunch and retail therapy before heading off to airport. What a pleasure to drive to, easy directions quick drop off and straight through security. BAA could learn a lot !

    Flight back on time and no problems.

    Trip Report Part 2

    Glad you had such a good time and full filled one of your ambitions.

    Trip Report Part 2

    sound like fun to me

    Thanks nice TR....where can I get a man like you who carries bags and uses his credit card so well..........!

    where is the cheesecake factory located? I want to try it out.

    Cheesecake factory is in the Millenium Mall off I4 at Junction 78


    Nickbitty, Already spoken for !!!!!

  • eye shadow
  • construction?

    Ive been to indian shores 4 times in the las 2 years and love the area.However all 4 times gulf blvd. was being dug up.No matter where i stayed the consruction seemed to follow mw. Am returning in sept please tell me that the work has been completed?thanks robin160


    I just returned from Indian Shores for the seventh time. I go there every year and have experienced the construction myself. I am pleased to say ';There is currently no construction in the area.'; Enjoy your vacation.


    Thank you for your reply re; the construction at indian shores i appreciate it. robin160.

    Best condo rental

    Looking for a 2-3 bedroom beachfront rental with washer/dryer in unit and WiFi. I appreciate any suggestions.

    Best condo rental

    You can look at

    Best condo rental

    I have been looking at vrbo. I am not familiar with the area and it is hard to tell which place is better located. Everyone claims to have the best location. I am looking for something within walking distance to some shopping and restaurants. I like to have the option of walking. Also, a short drive from a good grocery store.


    Just about anywhere on Clearwater Beach is walkable to restaurants, shops etc. as long as you don%26#39;t go too far North, past the touristy area where it is mostly residential, quiet, no restaurants, shops etc. You will want to be at about the Palm Pavillion area, Rockaway St, or Bay Esplanade St and South.

    Feel free to post some addresses here and I will Google Earth them and see where they are for you. Just list what is important to be walkable. There is a Publix grocery store just a short 5 minute drive from the beach, at the entrance to Island Estates. Exit the Memorial Causeway (connects the beach and mainland) onto Island Way, and the Publix will be just one minute on the Left.

    Thank you for the help. I am in the beginning stages of planning a trip in April 08. I have been looking into many areas in Florida. I think Clearwater has everything I am looking for in a spring break vacation. I will check out some rentals and ask you about them.

    Best place to sit for High School Musical at MGM

    My daughter is nuts about HSM! I know the show/pep rally is only about 20 minutes long, but where is the best place to sit and watch it. Thanks!!

    Best place to sit for High School Musical at MGM

    The HSM show/pep rally takes place in front of Mickey%26#39;s Hat and does not have any fixed seating area. It%26#39;s a float that comes in and is used as a stage by the performers. They usually rope the area off before the show and once the stage/float comes in they let everyone approach closer to the stage

    Best place to sit for High School Musical at MGM

    So I should sit by the hat?

    no stand facing the hat. they park the float in front of it so you won%26#39;t see anything. if you stand at the side then they bring the float down the middle of the road and move the rope around so you%26#39;ll end up facing it. avoid the area by by steps cus all you%26#39;ll see is the back of the float.

    my 10yr old loved it

    Trip Report 8/11-18

    Left Houston @ 8:00AM on Saturday, Aug 11th with the boat in tow. Towed with a new Toyota Tundra Crewmax with 650 miles on the odometer when we left the house. The boat is filled with boating equipment and fishing tackle; and the truck bed with suitcases, icechests and such. We made the trip over without note except for the terrible road conditions along I-10 in a couple of spots in La. Picked up our check-in package from the booking company, unhitched the boat and got into our condo by 8:00PM.

    We chose to stay at Harbor Landing, a new condo at the end of the harbor, next to Sandpiper. We had a 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath condo with a balcony overlooking the harbor, a slip for the boat and a storage area for the boat trailer. Beach access is right across the street, between Oceania and Martinque. There are two pools onsite, with one overlooking the harbor and boat slips.

    Spent Sunday morning watching the thunderstorms to the North, debating when to launch the boat. Finally gave up on that for the day and spent some time at the beach. Ate at Fudpucker’s that night. The kids enjoyed hanging out and feeding the gators but the food was barely OK. Probably won’t be back unless for seeing the gators or drinks at the bar.

    Monday morning we launched the boat and spent the day at Crab Island. We had lunch on the boat and then spent some time snorkeling by the east jetty. Jellyfish were pretty bad at both locations and my daughter and I got stung a couple of times. Headed back in at sunset and cooked burgers on the grill at the condo.

    We went offshore fishing Tuesday in the boat, hitting a few close in spots for red snapper and kingfish without much luck. Towards noon, the kids were getting hot and tired so we put the boat back in the slip and spent the rest of the day at the beach, body surfing and building sandcastles until the sunset. We got cleaned up and went the Back Porch to eat. We had an enjoyable wait down on the beach with drinks in hand, but our dinner was again barely average. I’m the only big seafood eater in our family and we were kind of striking out on our meals so far.

    We slept in Wednesday and had scheduled parasailing with Boogies watersports for around noon. We arrived at Harborwalk and spent a few minutes walking around looking at the boats and watched the Swoop come in with the days catch. A shuttle boat took us out to the parasail boat and we had a mini dolphin watching tour outside the jetties while waiting for the last group to come down off of the ‘sail. The kids really enjoyed the parasail trip and the views from up high of the pass and beach areas are great. We ate a late lunch at an empty AJ’s. I believe it was our best meal of the trip.

    Thursday morning we went to the Gulfarium show. I think we all enjoyed it and It was a good way to spend the morning. We had a quick lunch at the condo and then loaded the boat for the rest of the day. We went to Crab Island and swam for a while. The jellyfish weren’t nearly as bad as earlier in the week. However with the poker run two days off, a new aquatic menace had arrived: the speedo-wearing, loud-rap-playing, boozed-up sport boat driver. OK, it really wasn’t that bad, but my young son was laughing at the guy who pulled up next to us in his Fountain and stood on the swim platform for two hours showing off his muscles and *bikini*. My boy figured he was standing for so long because his swimsuit was too tight. After Crab Island we went to the jetties and spent the rest of the afternoon snorkeling along the rocks. Saw lots of fish and quite a few stone crabs. If you get out toward the end of the finger jetty, spend some time turning over some of the smaller rocks and you’ll find all kinds of surprises lurking below. Close to sunset, we headed over to Dewey Destin’s, tied up the boat and got a table for dinner. I really enjoyed the gumbo and fried mahi and the view was great. We had read about the fireworks on Thursday nights and were looking forward to watching them from the boat, but for some reason they didn’t have them. We had a nice drive in the dark through the harbor back to our slip.

    Due to the increased boat traffic before the run, we had decided to put the boat back on the trailer early Friday. By noontime, the sport boats were lined up along Noriega Point in the harbor and crab island was starting to get crowded. We spent the rest of the day on the beach. I think the best time is from about 4PM to sunset. The umbrella’s get taken down, the crowds vanish and the sun isn’t so intense.

    We got packed up Friday night and drove back Saturday. After some traffic delays, we finally arrived in Houston at 11 PM. Roundtrip was 1395 miles.

    We had a really good time in Destin and will be back. It is a great place to take a boat if you have a place on the water.

    Trip Report 8/11-18

    Thanks for taking the time to write about your trip. It was especially interesting reading about bringing your boat and where you stored the trailer, etc. Those were questions we had when we thought of bringing our boat. The rental on a pontoon was 200.00 for 1/2 day - so just look at the money you saved!!

    We had asked about the fireworks the week before when we were there. Someone at A.J.%26#39;s told us that the week prior had been the last week. (I assumed it was due to the end of the season). I%26#39;m glad I found out before making those teens wait for something that would never come!

    Trip Report 8/11-18

    Really enjoyed the ';boating'; prespective. You are very brave towing your boat so many miles!

    2020 - dual axle trailer? How fast were you driving and how did the Tundra handle the tow?

    Harbor Landing looks awesome. We just came back from Destin and wanted to take our boat but decided not to since we didn%26#39;t have a place to store our trailer. We will definately consider Harbor Landing next time.

    Bringing the boat was one of the main reasons I wanted to go to Destin. It%26#39;s the kind of place where you could park your car for the week and just get around by boat.

    GG- HL has a trailer storage lot across the boat slips from the condo buildings. Its behind a gated access so its relatively secure. Lots of boats showed up on Thursday and Friday for the poker run. The slips were almost full and the trailer parking was. I was worried about where to park the boat when we were first looking at condos and had decided that I would talk to some of the self storage places in Destin and see if I could keep the trailer there. I then talked to the company we leased at HL from and they told me about the trailer storage area.

    Poodle- I grew up in Tyler and my folks in the Corsicana area (we have a family ranch down on Lake Richland-Chambers). Have you lived in Kerens long? Do you ever remember the Dairy Mart on Hwy 31?

    Baked- I moved from a 2500 Dodge diesel to the Tundra and I think the Tundra pulled my boat (Key West 20%26#39; dual console, dual axle al. trailer) as well as the Dodge. Speeds ranged from 65 to 75 mph. Fuel burn was 10.5 to 12.5 mpg. The Tundra has less load capacity that the Dodge but when towing, as long as you put the gas to it, I didn%26#39;t see much difference.

    When we return to Destin we will probably do HL again, but get a slip with a lift. I spent most of the day after we got home scrubbing marine growth off the bottom of my hull. If I would have thought about it while I was there I would have spent some time at Crab Island under the hull with a scrub brush and my snorkel mask.

    2020DC- we moved here to build a house on Richland-Chambers. Have been here since February. I work in Palestine and my husband works in Ennis. Never been to the Dairy Mart but enjoy dinner at Double D%26#39;s in Kerens. We were in Corsicana Saturday night to see ';Always.....Patsy Cline'; at the Palace; maybe your parents were there!

    Seabird Key - any info or tips?

    Looking at renting for a week in July 08. Have 2 teens that love swimming and fishing. The island looks great, but not a lot of info from previous renters. No A/C has me worried ( I am an admitted wimp) - is there usually a breeze? What are the water conditions in that area (obviously weather dependant - but on a ';typical'; day) Currents, temp(July) clarity ect.... Please be candid as this is a huge trip for us and I want to be informed about the good, bad and ugly!

    Any restaurants not to be missed - or to steer clear of?


    Seabird Key - any info or tips?

    I am not exactly sure where it is, I think I may know, but anyway. Is there a breeze on a typical day? Sometimes, if the house is buried in the trees you won%26#39;t get as much as you would if it%26#39;s on the water. The house we lived in when i was growing up, which was the same house my Mom grew up in, didn%26#39;t have AC, and as of 1995 it still didn%26#39;t. It was hot, but we were used to it. The house was made to catch the breezes as it seems this one would be. If you%26#39;re a wimp, it may be too much for you. I%26#39;m one of those freaks that likes heat and humidity. Our summer temps are usually lower than those of GA etc. But our humidity is high.

    Avg July - Aug temp is 88, but does get into the low 90%26#39;s. It%26#39;s sticky and often still. Water temp is close to the same as the air. Think it was 87 the other day and generally clear, depending on what the wind and algea%26#39;s are doing. Current? pretty much depends on the tides. It%26#39;s usually not much of a current unless you are near one of the bridges. We don%26#39;t have the rip currents like MIA gets. Seabird looks like it could be an awesome stay. I guess I can only really help you with the weather and I was long winded on that... sorry.

    Seabird Key - any info or tips?

    Bluewater is correct. I don%26#39;t know anything about Seabird but it does look beautiful. However the no air conditioning would deter me. We spend most of out time outdoors and on the water while in the keys. When I go inside I want a/c. July is one of the hottest months in Florida. Unless you are used to not having a/c I would not like it. If the rooms are out in the open where you get lots of breeze it might not be so bad but that island looks very dense with vegetation which equals less breeze and more bugs.

    Check Key Colony beach in Marathon. Lots of duplex%26#39;s right on the water, very family friendly area. Or check

    If you want more of a resort type place then Cheeca Lodge or Tranquility Bay may work for you.

    If you research the florida keys forums you will find lots of info on things to see %26amp; do and places to eat.

    I have to agree with the above posts. I had some friends look into renting Seabird Key and the no air conditioning was the deal breaker. Instead they rented this off of Summerland Key.…

    Hum, I have never heard of Seabird Key, but I would not go anywhere in Florida that did not have AC.

    The island Arnie metioned is/ was recently owned by a guy in 311. it was for sale recently.

    I like the name Money Key better.

    isn%26#39;t Money Key the little high spot on the south side of the 7 mile bridge.

    I thought there are a couple Women Key - Money Key - Molasses Key????

    I watched some guys catch sharks there one day. Looked like a lot of work. FUN too.

    Thanks so much for your replies!! I have lived in Orlando and Miami , so I do know HEAT - but I thought maybe I was missing something because it was on the water. I could live without the air during the day, but I would be miserable if it was hot (humid and sticky) at night. I looked at Melody/Money Key and that is just out of my price range, but it looks GREAT!! I found another rental that includes use of the little ';island'; right off Seabird Key - at least it looks like thats where it is. I just love the idea of having somewhere to ';go'; that is quiet and we can spend the whole day at.

    BTW -Doing an aerial search for Seabird key - I found ';Russel Key'; - which I would swear are one in the same. I guess when you buy an island, you get to re-name it? LOL

    You guys are just great! Thanks for responding so quickly. It seems early to start planning, but some places are already booking up and we are limited to vacationing in July. The research and planning will help that time go by........


  • eye shadow
  • Any antique malls nearby

    Are there any antique malls in Bonita Springs or nearby? I am not talking fine antiques but items such as old lunch boxes, old steel toys %26amp; dolls, old books, that type of stuff.

    Any antique malls nearby

    I have been to a shop on old 41 that sounds like it would be just what you are looking for. I am sorry I can%26#39;t remember the name. If I do I will come back and post it. It has lots of stuff sitting outside and she has a big dog that she has in the shop, and I think his name in also in the name of the shop. I want to say George, but I can%26#39;t be sure.

    I am more into thrift and consignment shops but I stumbled into this one last year.

    Linda in Bonita

    Any antique malls nearby

    Big Dog ~`

    Is the antique shop you are askin bout called The Mother Load which is now called The Mother Load %26amp; Curious George, located next to the Shell Station on Old 41 just off of Bonita Beach Road? That%26#39;s the only one I know bout cause my wife stops by there on occassion. (:%26lt;)

    Thanks, I came here with the information as soon as I saw it on the other site. I%26#39;m happy we got the information to bigdog.


    2008 dining plan

    Hi - Just wondering, since the new plan does not have an appetizer included in the plan do you think they will let you substitute a salad in exchange for a dessert. I know this may sound silly, but my husband is diabetic and would rather a salad then the dessert.

    2008 dining plan

    Hi doyle,

    It%26#39;s not silly at all. Disney is very good about taking care of people with special diets. I would think you would be able to trade a dessert for a salad, just let your server know at the time you order. You can call ( and this is recomended on several web sites ) Disney a week before you are going to let them know you have a special diet and they will make a note on your reservation. Keep in mind there are some great sugar-free food options at many of the Restaurants, Table service and Counter Service, at all the Parks and Resorts. I think has a listing of whats available.

    2008 dining plan

    Thanks Partypa. I am making the last of my dinner reservations tonight. We are going at the end of January with our two kids ages 10 and 6. We were there two years ago at WL and they loved it. This year we are lucky enough to stay at the Polynesian Magic Kingdom View. Our dinners include:

    Chef Mickeys, Hoop dee doo, California Grill, Boma, Norway Princess dinner, Le Cellier and I am going to try to book Crystal Palace for breakfast and Kona Cafe for dinner which leaves me with one dinner which I will probably do when we get there unless I think of something else.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Enjoy the Poly, it%26#39;s one of our favourites. We will be at Disney in 25 days, can%26#39;t wait ! We are also booked for Boma, Kona Cafe and Crystal Palace, to name a few, Yummy !

    Have a great trip partypa and let us all know how your trip went. Yes, we also love the Poly went there many years ago on our honeymoon but were not able to do the magic kingdom view at that time so this will be special.

    Crystal Palace breakfast is GREAT! The food was wonderful, as was the character interaction!

    Thanks again - Just finalized the rest of our reservations yesterday. We will be having breakfast at Crystal Palace at the first seating which is 8:05 only 5 more months to go.