Monday, December 12, 2011

Your Defining Disney Moment

I have been waiting my whole life to travel to the land of the Mouse. I feel like a kid again counting down to our big holiday. I could play it cool and say this trip is for our kids, you know, quality family time, yadda, yadda.

This trip is me. Me, me, me, me, me.

I am letting the rest of my family share this experience with me. (Aren%26#39;t I a generous soul)

Getting back to my topic...

Do you remember the first time you visited Disneyworld? What was the ';defining moment'; that made the whole trip worthwhile to you and made you want to go back again (and again, for some!) Maybe it was your moment or another member of your families.

Please share your ';Defining Disney Moment';!!


Your Defining Disney Moment

It%26#39;s different for us non-north Americans but the defining moment is the automated hollywood voice on the airport monorail, followed by the first site of the castle.

And sitting on the Dumbo ride with my wife next to me shouting ';whheeeee!';

Your Defining Disney Moment

Oh my that%26#39;s a difficult question to answer ...

I love it all but nothing can beat that first walk up Main St with the castle looking down on you ... that%26#39;s when you know you%26#39;re arrived at Disney!

Counting the days till I%26#39;m there again ... we depart on 26th May!

Hello cindermom,

17 years ago, I stood in front of the Castle with my two year son in my arms and as we stood there starring at it, he said looking at me with his big blue eyes, ';Mommy, what%26#39;s that?!'; I replied, ';That%26#39;s where dreams come true.'; My son is now 19 and we%26#39;ve had many trips to Disney since then. Alot has changed since then including crowd levels. I%26#39;m so glad we%26#39;ve had the opportunity to enjoy Disney before the crowds have gotten to the level they are at now. When we travel for a Disney vacation now we don%26#39;t feel pressured to get it all in as we%26#39;ve already experienced all the oldie but goodie attractions many times. And i%26#39;m also glad my youngest son is now 11 so we don%26#39;t have to stand in that Dumbo line anymore!!!

It has to be walking into MK for the first time and thinking I%26#39;m really here and seeing the castle it felt like a dream.

Anyone who says they are not moved by the whole experience can%26#39;t have a soul.

We%26#39;re off again on the 31st May and we can%26#39;t wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!

This is exactly what I was looking for!!

Healin, what a beautiful post!! Thank you for sharing your experience! It makes me want to share this with my kids all the more (and I guess thats a good thing!).

Keep it up, my friends!!

1983 which was by then our 5th trip and Epcot opened .Our first ride was universe of energy and we sat with our mouths open then when we came out we couldnt stop talking about it .Then Epcot became my favorite place for ever

I love that moment in the MK just before the start of the electrical parade when all the street lights go out.


Your welcome cindermom! Keep them coming people!


my defining moment has been and will always be standing on main street with my two children and husband looking towards the castle with that beautiful Florida sunshine shining down on us. Holding both their hands and watching that awe on their faces.

Thank you for reminding me......

The first time is always the best, i envy you that....xx

What a great question I am going the first 2 weeks in April for the first time REALLY cant wait now

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