Monday, December 12, 2011

Pls. allow me to be ridiculous re: accommodations

Dh and I have been to KW three times...we love it. We%26#39;ve never been to Fantasy Fest. We *could get there on frequent flier miles. Question: is there anyplace we can stay for 5 nights within walking distance to Duval where we don%26#39;t have to remortgage our house? So maybe I%26#39;m exaggerating just a little and if you stop laughing hard enough, are ';reasonaly-priced'; and ';Fantasy Fest'; just too stupid to put in the same sentence? :)

Pls. allow me to be ridiculous re: accommodations

What do you consider to be resonably priced?? If you give a per night amount that would help us with suggestions for you.

Pls. allow me to be ridiculous re: accommodations

You can get an idea of what is available by starting here...

and leaving ';All Properties'; with your dates.


Actually, IMO, the prices are so ridiculous in KW at Fantasy Fest that if you have to ask, you probably can%26#39;t afford it. If one was going to stay a day or two, it would probably be do-able, but many places have a 4-5 day minimum stay.

I personally feel that the ransom demanded for staying in Old Town during FF is too much. The places charge it, and people pay it.

From where I%26#39;m sitting, New Town is a short cab ride. The money you save on the nightly ransom, MORE than pays t he cab fare.

We%26#39;re paying about $2,700 for a 2 bedroom/2 bath w/kitchen unit (1,200-1,300 sq ft) at the Galleon resort that week. There will be 2 couples staying in it though and it could hold another couple (if necessary). I don%26#39;t believe we were charged any extra because of fantasy fest though since we booked so long ago and it was not through the resort (through a timeshare owner). I suppose that%26#39;s still kind of expensive but it%26#39;s a good location. We really didn%26#39;t shop around that much as this place seemed to have what we were looking for (on water and within walking distance to most everything).

Thanks for your responses, everyone. We have been to KW this year, even. I was sort of thinking out loud about the whole FF thing and if I wanted to justify the expense considering we%26#39;re going to Vegas in 2 weeks. I%26#39;m still thinking about it...though haven%26#39;t told dh yet, LOL.

Better half have been twice and love it so this time we are spending last 5 nights of FF in key West and managed to get la concha on travel points, its as central as you can get and I think rates are around $350 pn. I remember seeing a holiday inn a little further out with rates around $ may be worth checking out. Tell yourself that you are offsetting the expense by saving flight usually works for us lol.

Hope you find somewhere soon...we have begun the countdown already.

The Holiday Inn is a long way from Old Town and the FF events. It%26#39;s at the entrance to the island. It is also quite old and scheduled for demolition very soon. Not recommended.

Apologies for duff advice and thanks to Simkeith for correction. Thats the reason i only ask questions on this site....:-). Mrs has now given me an earful for posting that :-(. I can recommend Curry House Mansion as we have stayed there previously and it was very nice. Not sure about cost at this doubt expensive.

Still hope you get somewhere soon.

On another point....I%26#39;m assuming that one really needs to book trips, snorkling etc well in advance at FF time , can anyone confirm (see what i mean about questions)

I%26#39;ve only been to FF once. The place was jam packed with people. I%26#39;d say that if there is any activity that you consider a must-do, I%26#39;d book it in advance to avoid disappointment. Any other time of the year, a day or 2 in advance should suffice.

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