Monday, December 12, 2011

has anyone got a flight upgrade

on the day of travel before??


has anyone got a flight upgrade

yes, several times.

But they are like gold dust - you need to be the right person in the right place at the right time (and that is like winning th lottery...).

When it comes to upgrades, airlines often tend to upgrade certain types of people: generally presentable single people and presentable couples. If you travel with children you are incredibly unlikely to get upgraded...


has anyone got a flight upgrade

do u ask at normal check in or the upgrade check in??

do u pay??


There are two types of upgrades:

- those you pay for,

- those that the airline do for operational reasons (i.e they have oversold economy class) and they are free.

The free ones you don%26#39;t/shouldn%26#39;t ask for.... That is where being the right person in the right place at the right time: ether they pick you or they don%26#39;t. A lot of people do ask for free upgrades, but they often get either short or rude replies (because so many people ask, most check-in staff are fed-up with being asked...). Also generally, if you do ask for a free upgrade, they are more likely to make sure you don%26#39;t get one (i.e. mark your record ';Not Suitable for Upgrade';).

As far as paying for an upgrade, the best place to start is the ';ticket desk'; - see what they can offer you (if anything). If that fails, then try asking again at the check-in desk. But always word it carefully - so that they know you are enquiring about buying an upgrade (and not trying to get one for free)... like ';Is it possible to buy upgrades for my flight today?';

Some airlines will give good deals on upgrades (especially if a route is oversold in economy), others will want to charge you an arm and a leg (they are not oversold in economy, so don%26#39;t need to offer you a good deal).

Also, to upgrade, you need space in the cabin you want to upgrade into - if it is full, then you are out of luck. This is why it is normally better to book into that class to begin with, rather than try to upgrade on the day?

Which airline are you flying with?


Yes, if it%26#39;s a charter into Orlando there are only limited premium seats and they sell out first.


My boss and I were flying back from Madrid a couple of years back and when we were checking in, I was upgraded and my boss wasn%26#39;t. He has a gold BA frequent flyer and I was silver. He wasn%26#39;t happy but I quite enjoyed it!

How nice to get a free upgrade...but I dont think I would like anybody to judge whether myself or my family were suitable!! I managed to get 4 premier seats for 拢55 for my family of 4! now thats what I call an upgrade. Roll on next year.

I received a free upgrade to business coming home from New York this past April. This was with Virgin. But I think that was only because I was so late checking in and I reckon my seat had already been given away.

I didn%26#39;t mind, it was a lovely flight home.

We received a free upgrade flying to Paris on our honeymoon. It was Christmas night, so I doubt ecomony seats were full (the gate was empty). I think the man at the ticket counter was just in the Christmas spirit. He asked if it was our honeymoon (have no idea why he would think that though). When we said it was, he said he was going to give us a Christmas present. Since the flight was overnight, it was great to have some room to sleep. On the way home, it was back to economy, with a child sitting behind us kicking our seat the whole time and the flight attendant informing us that they ran out of food.

I agree with the other posts on this subject - however the free upgrades I have recieved BA going Montreal to London (Premier seating)

was given to my wife, myself %26amp; two children out of the blue - I did not ask for them.

The best upgrade was when we were stranded in Orlando after hurricane Francis, our seats had been given to somebody else.

So rather than get angry with the check in lady, I said that we had been delayed 5 days (Not so bad, as my insurance paid for these free days - work wasn%26#39;t so happy though) %26amp; I needed to get back or I may get Fired. She took pity %26amp; upgraded the four of us to First Class (Virgin).

Probably the only time I will get to experience this sheer luxury. The only draw back was they were not preparred to give us First class food ect, but hey within an hour I was fast asleep all the way back - another first %26amp; probably last time I will get to sleep on that red eye flight back.

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