Monday, December 12, 2011

Sept. 26th roll call

Getting both excited but nervous.

Our KW adventure begins Sept. 26th

What are our chances the weather will cooperate?

Who else will be there?

Sept. 26th roll call

stusmom, The weather.... Ahhh, the weather. There is a great chance that it will cooperate but on the other, there%26#39;s a great chance that it won%26#39;t. Very frustrating but that%26#39;s what we live with here in the Keys at this time of year. For the sake of conversation... Let%26#39;s disregard the chances of a hurricane. (Statisitically, the chances tend to diminish the later into September and into October you go. That is NOT to say there won%26#39;t be one... It%26#39;s just statistics and ya know what that means. There are several threads currently running about hurricanes here so we won%26#39;t go into it.)

That being said, the temps near the end of September are going to be on average in the mid 80%26#39;s with a fair chance of mid to high 70%26#39;s in the evenings. Rain chances tend to hover in the 20 - 30 percent range but again, they tend to come quickly, last shortly and leave within 10 minutes. Other than that... It%26#39;s Key West and you%26#39;ll love it!

Who%26#39;s gonna be here?? All 25,000 of us who call this place home but I also have a sneak%26#39;in hunch there%26#39;s gonna be some additional visitors! :-)

Looking forward to your arrival!

Sept. 26th roll call

Thanks Seabus

Looking forward to possibly running into you and your possy at SWB. Friday nights, right?

I%26#39;m bringing my sisters and a couple friends down for 5 days, last week of Sept.

This is my 2nd trip to KW, but it will be my sisters 1st time.

Can you suggest any ';must sees'; , besides your Trolley.

%26lt;Looking forward to possibly running into you and your possy at SWB. %26gt; LOL!!! I had to read that line twice.

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