Monday, December 12, 2011

915 restaurant at James Beard

I heard that it was great and all who were invovled were very impressed. Here is a link to the article in the Keynoter.鈥iv01.txt

This was the menu -

Passed Hors D%26#39;oeurves

Grilled Key West Pinks with a grenn papaya salad %26amp; thai chilies

Oysters on the 1/2 shell with habanero sorbet

Yellow fin tuna sashmi wrapped around dungeness crab meat with a lemon miso dressing

Spicy chipotle conch chowder with flash fried shallots

Jumbo scallops marinated in key lime juice with jalapenos %26amp; cilantro

Dinner Menu

Crispy skin on yellowtail snapper with baby beets %26amp; a tarragon aioli

Clams %26amp; imported chorizo steamed in a white wine with grilled bread

Seared key west grouper over parsnip puree with wilted spinach %26amp; pomegranate molasses

Butter poached %26#39;first of season%26#39; florida lobster %26amp; grilled beef tenderloin with baby carrots, asparagus %26amp; a red wine reduction

Roasted mango tartlet with fresh whipped cream %26amp; basil syrup

915 restaurant at James Beard

Wow, very impressive! I%26#39;m embarrassed to say we%26#39;ve never eaten at 915 - we%26#39;ll have to remedy that.

915 restaurant at James Beard

Oh Susan I think you would like it but its wine and beer only. If I remember correctly, one of you only drinks martinis?

I surprised Mrs Seabus last year for our annerversary with dinner at 915. Very nice and Arnie is correct, beer and wine only. We had the place to ourselves and the service, which could have been overwhelming was extremely good. Recommened. Give it a try!

So they have a limited menu or was this for a specific function?

I think I%26#39;d starve to death on that menu.

If you are not familar with James Beard then that menu won%26#39;t make any sense. To cook for the James Beard Fondation is a big honor. It was the menu 915 put together for the event. They did a dry run in KW with it about 2 weeks ago but I do not think they will do it again.

My orginal post might not make sense if you think you might starve to death. It was a 5 course dinner menu with wine served at each course. They started the night with the passed hors d%26#39;oeurves with wine as well. Its a lot of food.

That is one HECK of an honor. I believe Alice%26#39;s was invited a few years back as well.

Yep, Alices, Mangos and A%26amp;B all went up and cooked together. The difference is the owner(at the time) of Mangos petitioned James Beard to let them come up and cook. 915 didn%26#39;t. James Beard came to them. Big BIG honor!

Taha menu makes my mouth water........ My Lean Cuisine Panini will seem so blah now..........

Arnie, that%26#39;s great that they were honored. I%26#39;ve never heard of the James Beard deal.

But with that menu, I would starve and be thirsty as heck.

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