Monday, December 12, 2011

Any antique malls nearby

Are there any antique malls in Bonita Springs or nearby? I am not talking fine antiques but items such as old lunch boxes, old steel toys %26amp; dolls, old books, that type of stuff.

Any antique malls nearby

I have been to a shop on old 41 that sounds like it would be just what you are looking for. I am sorry I can%26#39;t remember the name. If I do I will come back and post it. It has lots of stuff sitting outside and she has a big dog that she has in the shop, and I think his name in also in the name of the shop. I want to say George, but I can%26#39;t be sure.

I am more into thrift and consignment shops but I stumbled into this one last year.

Linda in Bonita

Any antique malls nearby

Big Dog ~`

Is the antique shop you are askin bout called The Mother Load which is now called The Mother Load %26amp; Curious George, located next to the Shell Station on Old 41 just off of Bonita Beach Road? That%26#39;s the only one I know bout cause my wife stops by there on occassion. (:%26lt;)

Thanks, I came here with the information as soon as I saw it on the other site. I%26#39;m happy we got the information to bigdog.


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