Monday, December 12, 2011

Trip report part 2

Sunday 12th Aug : Had a drive to Clearwater beach, it took 1 hour 45 mins to get there, clear road all the way. We arrived just after 11 and by the time we found a parking spot, ( take plenty of quarters ) and had walked to the beach, which is lovely, it was 11. 45 so we decided to grab a bite to eat before claiming an umbrella. on the beach. We had noticed a few dark clouds about, but had dismissed them, 10 minutes later it was pouring down, thunder, lightening the lot. This lasted for a half hour or so, then just as fast as it came, the rain stopped and the skies cleared and for the rest of our time there it was beautiful. the umbrella cost $20 for the afternoon untill 5 pm. We arrived back at our resort at around 7 pm, then went to the Boardwalk for a look around, very nice place, then back to our place for a nightcap .

Monday: Shopping day, went to the premium stores at the top of i-drive, a lot of building work going on here, went in Tommy Hillfinger and Reebok then moved on to Florida mall. This place is huge and spent a few hours here and spent quite a bit af cash, ( not enough though according to Mrs C ! ).From here went to the Nike outlet store on 192 and treated myself to a new pair of running shoes.In the evening went back to MGM to watch the Fantasmic show For the life of me, I cannot remember where we ate our evening meal these last 2 days, it%26#39;s a total blank.

Tuesday : Epcot : Our friends had arrived the previous Friday, they had paid for an itenery to be done for them and because of this , this was the first day we could have together without us having to duplicate a day. Arrived for 9 am and utilising the fastpass, had done the major rides by lunchtime. We had a great time here and it was really good to spend some time with our friends. We spent quite a bit of time exploring each of the countries, but have to admit, in the U.S. section, we went to see a show about how the u s was made great by certain people, I can%26#39;t remember what it was called, but it was in the big house, we ALL fell asleep during it at one point or another, it was quite a good show as well, what I saw of it! Stayed until Illuminations,which was as good as I remembered it.

Wednesday : To Universal studios today, met our friends again outside the Mummy at 9.15, no queue at all, then worked our way around the park, getting on the major rides with little or no queuing. I have to say, this is my favourite park. There are live entertainers all over the park and I think it is more adult than Disney. We were having a break sittig outside the Cheesecake Factory shop, near the entrance, when a '; reporter '; came over to us and spent a good 10-15 minutes talking to and taking the micky out of us, little things like that can make the day. Loved Shrek 4 D

Thursday: Animal Kingdom, arrived early, got fast pass for Everest, then as advised made our way over to the Safari. Very short wait loads of animal activity, our driver had to stop for a Giraffe, which decided to take a stroll along the path directly in front of our vehicle.Went on Everest twice in quick sucsession as Mrs C decided not to go on, I was quite impressed by the ride. Did It%26#39;s a bugs life, which is great, then after a walk around decided we had seen all we wanted to and headed back to our place to cool down. In the evening went to DD and ate at the Rainforest Cafe, it really is a novel place and the food was OK. From here we went to The Adventurers Club, I really enjoyed it here, I didn%26#39;t know what to expect, it really is different.

Friday: Busch Gardens, Took about 1 hour to get there, me and the lads liked it here, Mrs C didn%26#39; she doesn%26#39;t like coasters. Queued for an hour to get on Sheikra, great ride, Went to go on a safari, what we didn%26#39;t realise, is that you have to pay extra, 35 plus dollars for each one,pp which we couldn%26#39;t go on because I hadn%26#39;t taken enough cash to pay for that and meals and I had left my credit card in the safe at the hotel. Of course it was my fault for not knowing! Went on Kumba, which in my opinion is the best coaster I have been on and watched the Pirates 3D show and left at 4ish.

Saturday: Our last full day,The lads stayed around the hotel, Mrs C and I decided to go back to Universal Studios, did all the major rides again and soaked up the atmosphere. left mid afternoon to get the packing done. Met up with our friends in the evening at DD and had another meal at Rainforest Cafe.

Sunday: Left resort with a heavy heart, dropped bags off at Lake Buena Vista Stores, had a game of crazy golf at the Fantasia course, then headed for DD for a last look around.

The highlight of the holiday: It has to be the resort, we have been to Orlando 4 times in 10 years and 2 years in a row so the parks are not new to us, I would recommend the CBR to anyone,


Trip report part 2

Great report, Ste. Totally agree about the CBR.

Trip report part 2

Really enjoyed reading yoru reports. I just love hearing what other folks get up too and am always pleased to see that we have the same issues too - ';where the hell did we eat dinner last night???'; We were at IOA on your first Thursday too and totally agree on the crowds. It was an absolute nightmare. Boiling hot, really crowded and queues for everything. Got to the front of the Dudley Do-Right ride only to be told it had broken down and they could not anticipate when it would start again .. grrrr. We left after seeing a 90 minute queue for Spiderman - my husband%26#39;s favourite but we decided that 90 mins was a bridge too far!

Really enjoyed your trip report Ste, glad you and your family had such a great time. Wasnt universal studios just brill?? Loved all the little music bands playing around the place. Are you going back next year??

Libby Don%26#39;t you hate it when a ride you are waiting for breaks down, it happened to us at Seaworld when Journey to Atlantis broke down, fortunately we had only been waiting for 15 mins.

ilovejimmychoo, We cancelled a trip to Rome for this holiday, so I think next year it%26#39;s a tour of Italy for us, but the year after.... who knows. What about you?



Totally agree about the frustration of the rides breaking down especially when you are in the queue! You always have the shall we wait dilemma. We did a single riders on Dudley Do-Right later so it turned out ok. Luckily we did manage to get on Duelling Dragons (always makes me feel pukey), The Hulk and Jurassic Park River Ride (my fav). I did have time to have a ';livener'; at that nice Watering Hole place so all in all not so bad!


dont think we are going next year, think we need a nice quiet holiday. Will certainly being going 2010 for the harry potter park at universal, would like to go 2009 but works holidays wont allow for this. (i work in a school).

enjoyed the trip report a quick ?? about busch garden safari is that were at the end you go on white water (sorry not well explained)


mj6 am not sure, we never went on it, apparently there are several different types, all varying in price, I%26#39;m sure someone else will know.


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