Monday, December 12, 2011

Watson House on Simonton (is it still open?)

I can%26#39;t find any information on this guest house. I stayed there years ago and loved it - across the street from Heron House in the 500 block of Simonton? Any information or site would be appreciated?

Watson House on Simonton (is it still open?)

I don%26#39;t believe it is open anymore.

Watson House on Simonton (is it still open?)

No it closed a while ago. I believe a property rental/management company is there now.

I think it is now a private rental hosue鈥?/a>

Yep, thats it Philly. I knew it was something else but I couldn%26#39;t picture it.

lol, now reading it, it looks like we were both right. There were offices on the bottom floor but they moved them a couple of years ago. It looks gorgeous!

I love Google :) I%26#39;d like to rent that out for a family vacation...oh, wait, I don%26#39;t go toKW with the family %26gt;;-)

Phillygirl... I%26#39;ve seen you in Key West... No family for good reason!! :-)

Ssssshhhhhhhh, what they don%26#39;t know won%26#39;t hurt them ;) My daddy was SO proud this past time............

Family (parents/siblings..we don%26#39;t have kids) isn%26#39;t allowed with us in KW either! I%26#39;ve told my dad some stories, and he%26#39;s been quite mortified! ;)

Yes, it is a rental property. We had a large family (18 people) there this past July. Great house, great location. Just watch out for the driveway. It%26#39;s narrow and lined on both sides by a small brick wall. My brother in law dented his day old Durango.

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