Monday, December 12, 2011

10 hours to go !!!!!!!!

OMG we leave for the airport in 10 hours Im that nervous just been sick. Haven%26#39;t finished packing yet. Just scanning tickets and passports just in case we lose them . THANKYOU to everyone who has helped me with my planning just me and my boys going hubby cant travel that far. He has just told them hes got them tickets for Discovery Cove , they are so excited.

10 hours to go !!!!!!!!

have a safe journey and a FAB time

hope your boys have a fab time at Discovery Cove

you will be ready for when you go

10 hours to go !!!!!!!!

Enjoy enjoy enjoy.....have a safe and happy trip.... will you be posting a trip report when you get back??.......................

bring back some sunshine please and have a wonderful holiday......................

Have a fantastic trip, it is a great thing you are doing for your boys. Safe travels.

Same for me ewe leave for airport in 9 hours.woo

Have a Swell Holiday.

You and the boys will have soooooo much fun !

Now, take a deep breath and relax, just a little.

have a great time phil maybe c u at airports i%26#39;ll be the one looking very scared and my boys will be jumping up and down, with there new Celtic tops on

are u flying with TCX.? we will be on MYT

there will be 3 of us.2 adults and a child.

Thomas Cook

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